Thursday, October 5, 2017

Why Does Rumley Always Talk about Censorship and not FREE SPEECH

1,066,258 @ 1:42 pm

Notice the Difference!

While we are talking about Free Speech
Freedom of the Press

First Amendment

Rumley is yelling that he doesn't censor.

Mark Rumley is a lawyer - and what is on his mind?  The word CENSORSHIP!
Think about it.  If Rumley had one scintilla of decency and honesty in him he would say things like - "I believe in free speech, that's why candidates were on the air for the 9/12/17 primary."

THEY WERE SILENCED, the candidates were SILENCED and Rumley threw salt in the wound demanding a CORI check on candidates if they want to go on television.
Also, anyone notice that this editor put the Producer Agreement out into the public domain, not Ben Brown, unqualified station manager.

Anyone notice how yours truly put the information out about the 10 am - noon Sunday two hours only window of an OPEN HOUSE

Community Media Medford  10 am on Sunday...oops, Medford Community Media - even naming the station Ben Brown plagiarized me!

Talk about sleazy.

Other stations have OPEN HOUSE for a week, but Ben Brown, novice, clueless manager, decides that you have to make a choice as to whether you go to CHURCH or you go to his witch's coven two hours on a Sunday to see how they ripped you off and took the access TV monies and used it for the school.

The Chapter 74 board is the poisonous tree and Ben Brown is the unwelcome fruit of that poisonous tree.
Sent to City Solicitor "Free Speech" Fumbles earlier today:

Mr. Rumley:

Last night the Malden Access TV party was an amazing moment of INCLUSION.  I provided the entertainment (a classic folk singer who has toured relentlessly for the past 40 years or more) - and the new Mission Statement (and the attendance) showed how access TV in Malden, Somerville, Reading is a real service to the public.

Ever since Mayor McGlynn sent people to "legal" regarding access television the citizens paying the freight felt like some big corporation sending you to the "legal department" because they knew they had wronged the customer.    Fifteen years later, about one quarter of my life, it's the same old waltz and tune from the song and dance man, Mark Rumley.

1)Why is it that you have never fought for OUR rights, Mr. Rumley, but DEFEND the INDEFENSIBLE, including the currently under investigation Medford Community Cablevision, Inc.?

2)Mayor McGlynn used Allison Goldsberry and Fred Laskey, two nice individuals who hardly have the experience in access television that so many in our community have, and McGlynn used the access monies for the school

3)The monies are muddy and invisible to the cable TV ratepayers.  Why pay 200k to Jack Dempsey, Lisa Dunphy and Allison Goldsberry WHILE putting another 600k or so in the "general fund" and then putting the public access monies - obviously - into a scam that doesn't help access but rebuilds a section of the school.   Monies that Bob Penta, Doreen Wade and I saved the city through hard work and honest effort, while you lied about investigating your good friends on the board of Medford Community Cablevision, Inc., which you sat on.

May I remind you that when you spoke to me two weeks ago you yelled about being given a subpoena.  You could have done two things:

a)Gone to the judge to recuse yourself for not being relevant to the case

b)Gone straight back to work at the city law office instead of spending the rest of the day hanging out with two people you are supposed to be - and promised to be - investigating - Arthur Deluca (at the MATV party last night) and Harvey Alberg, Malden resident.

 You were thrown off the witness stand AFTER my objection, the judge calling your testimony "irrelevant."

You haven't facilitated programming or done outreach, and now blame young Ben Brown when it is the city's responsibility - the city took control of access, censoring us.  You spit in our faces, Mr. Rumley, when you lie about not censoring the community, yet you admit to the fraudulent CORI check and can't fess up to the FACT that you didn't lift a damn finger to help candidates have airtime prior to the 9/12/17 primary.

Instead of being a man and admitting that you censor us with impunity, you call me names, get all enraged, yet - let's see:

a)Judge Lamothe called me "very logical"
b)The Attorney General's office determined that I was correct that the Open Meeting Law was violated vis-a-vis the phony "Chaper 74" board which was a disguise for the abuse and misuse of the public access TV monies
c)You were thrown off the witness stand
d)Judge Fitzgerald calling me "an intelligent man"

Mark Rumley calling me names.  And being removed from a witness stand when he did it...again.

When I had your good friend David SxxxxY (rhymeswithschoolcommitteebobby) 
removed from a case you were my witness - yet you gave legal advice to Mr. Sxxxxy to rescind his request for outside council (because of repeated threats to kill me in court) and you were smiling and the judge put SExxxY back on the case to further torture me.    (Teeth falling out in Superior Court in front of former judge-now-mediator Nancy Holtz, real sexy of the attorney: NOT!  Good thing he knows Leo Sacco and no one  gave him a breathalyzer...just like Leo's son, that hotty Joe THAT is sexy...and if he's fighting with his wife and drunk, as is alleged, probably easy to score!...but I digress...sigh...)  

Happiness is bumping into Transit cop Joe Sacco and Attorney Brian D. Skerry very slowly and simultaneously ...all due respect to the late Johnny Carson's Raquel Welch joke.

You are a scoundrel, Mr. Rumley, a dangerous man who lies about being benevolent, but you are happy to take a lollipop (public access) from a man with autism (a sports host) and spit at us and call us names.  So petty of you.

Give us our access TV.  It doesn't belong at the high school.  Have the high school pay us back for the monies spent, let the Vocational Technical school take their share of the access monies from the three teacher's salaries or from the general fund, and give us our access TV monies.

If I am running the station we have free speech.  If Mark Rumley runs the station with clueless youngster Ben Brown, we get feedback, two hours 10 am - noon on Sunday when I would rather be at church in xxxxxxxxx (Sunday 10/15) for an alleged open house, an open house during Sunday Mass.  Good one.  How many people will show up for that?

Malden does it right, Mark Rumley wants a CORI so that candidates who want shows are exposed to insiders and cronies who are incumbents, it is all so very sleazy.

Mark Rumley says I rant.  Rumley was thrown off a witness stand for his rant.  
Didn't go back to city hall but stayed around wasting taxpayer monies, of course, Rumley so defensively yells about free speech when the solicitor is the author of censorship, and we never see Rumley fighting for our First Amendment Rights, just fraudulently claiming a city being laughed at by other cities doesn't censor when it does.

Shame on you Mark Rumley, which I said to you, on camera, as you sat in the audience.   

Violation of the law by the Chapter 74 board IS a huge deal because you and Belson and Muccini-Burke are scoundrels abusing the access funds to stifle free speech, force me to write so many letters demanding it, won't even give us a van and cameras which I've asked the council and school committee for to set up real access, you even twisted the truth about the library as a location for access when computers are already at the library ...unbelievable.

You have no credibility Mark Rumley, people in this city do not like you (your ears must be ringing with the stuff they tell me about you)  
and you think you are an honorable man who is the City Solicitor demanding respect from Michael Marks while you fight with him in public.

15 years of pain caused by You, Mark Rumley, the cheating of cable TV subscribers.

Please resign.  

You are worthless to free speech and you have pained me deeply, as well as many others.

GIVE US OUR ACCESS MONIES and let professionals do the heavy lifting. Smug Ben Brown said "I doubt it" when I told him I could have had the station up yesterday.  

Ben Brown is not a nice person, knows nothing about Medford, he is yet another station manager scarecrow that city hall installs to make Access TV unpleasant.  

CORI check and a 5 page producer agreement you blame on Ben Brown. 

Be a man and be honest and tell the public you are required to serve that you (allegedly) created that censorship monstrous document. Be a man, Mark Rumley.

This "very logical" man sees right through your charade and it is disgusting.

Give us our access TV you King of Censorship in Medford.  

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