Thursday, October 5, 2017

Open Meeting Law Complaint filed on Adam Knight

1,066,176 @ 9:25 am

Office of the Attorney General
One Ashburton Place
Boston, MA 02108

Organization or Media Affiliation:    Community Media Medford, Medford Information Central Dot Com

Are you filing the complaint in your capacity as an individual, representative of an organization, or media?
Individual and Media

Public Body that is the subject of this complaint:


The City Council of Medford, Massachusetts

Date of alleged violation:  Tuesday October 3, 2017

Specific person(s), if any, you allege committed the violation:  City Councilor Adam Knight (in concert with Fred Dello Russo, Jr. and Richard F. Caraviello)

Name of Public Body (including city/town, county or region, if applicable):  Medford City Council

Description of alleged violation:
Describe the alleged violation that this complaint is about. If you believe the alleged violation was intentional, please say so and include the reasons supporting your belief

Prior to the October 3, 2017 meeting I warned City Clerk Edward P. Finn about censoring my petitions (this time he obeyed the law and published the proper petition,) and warned City Council President Richard Caraviello, Councilor Frederick N. Dello Russo, Jr. and Councilor Adam Knight via a complaint notarized and filed with the office of Diversity and Inclusion Sep 28 at 7:42 PM. The demand by this petitioner was for Knight, Dello Russo and Caraviello to not engage in behavior which, I believe, violates Robert’s Rules of Order and the Open Meeting Law.  The complaint noted:
1)Mr. Caraviello calling the police or filing false charges in criminal court on an over-60 citizen who merely wants to speak and tape with Facebook live at the city council (censoring a resident from speaking about him by filing a malicious abuse of process criminal case which, of course, Mr. Caraviello lost.)
2)Mr. Dello Russo banging doors, getting up and leaving while a citizen is speaking, tearing up paper, falling asleep in his chair (or looking like he is falling asleep in his chair) and fraudulent use of "Point of Information" to throw a speaker off, not adding anything of substance to the conversation, acting like a high school sophomore seeking attention.

3)Adam Knight getting up and leaving, talking too fast for people to understand him, abuse of the "point of information" procedure, MAKING A MOTION TO PUSH OTHER ITEMS ON THE AGENDA IN FRONT OF ITEMS / PETITIONS FILED BY SENIOR CITIZENS, INTENTIONALLY, MALICIOUSLY, AND FREQUENTLY

On October 3, 2017, despite being warned in advance by the complaint to the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Mr. Knight filled the agenda with multiple items which was completely out of character while this resident had the only petition.  Then, as usual, Knight suspended the rules to take two other items to push my petition back as far as he possibly could.   Knight does this in hopes that the meeting will go from 7 pm to past 10 pm, ostensibly so that fewer TV viewers will see matters of great public interest. Knight even attempted to limit free speech with changing of the city council rules, an effort that failed but which outraged members of the public.
In addition to the “suspension of the rules” abuse on October 3, 2017 and abuse of “point of information” which Knight uses as a point of interruption of speakers, Knight – after being warned by the complaint to the Office of Diversity, again targeted this petitioner, Joe Viglione.
At 23 minutes and 37 seconds into the meeting, the council presented my petition on Tuesday, October 3, 2017.  With little space to breathe, at 33:17 into the meeting, right after my ten allotted minutes to speak, Mr. Knight - not caring about the other residents – multiple – who wanted to speak on a subject of great public interest, willfully and maliciously jumps in “Mr. President, motion to receive and place on file.” Knight’s partner in this disruptive activity, Councilor Frederick N. Dello Russo Jr., immediately seconds it, (which means Dello Russo should also be included in this complaint, another city councilor who serves himself and not the public, that’s their game and it violates the very purpose of the open meeting law: continuous harassment of residents, senior citizens, an ex member of the city council, all for the enjoyment of Knight, Dello Russo (and Council President Caraviello) and for censorship purposes. 
The city solicitor, who often brags about the city not censoring people, allowed it to happen right before his very eyes on October 3, 2017.  At 33 minutes and 30 seconds in on the subject a woman wanted to speak on the matter, but Knight’s swift assault on free speech DENIED a citizen to speak on a matter of GREAT public interest.  So the rules had to be suspended by Councilor Breanna Lungo Koehn so that the resident could speak.   The Attorney General’s office should study the tape of the 10/3/17 council meeting and see if Mr. Knight was annoying Councilor Lungo-Koehn by making noises or shredding paper while another councilor or citizen is speaking. It is another tactic that is vulgar, does not serve the public, and is sophomoric behavior not fit for a civil society which has a First Amendment, a right for the public to speak freely without interruption. 
Council President Caraviello did not ask the woman for her name or address, but she was totally in agreement with the petitioner.   Caraviello was in error not obtaining the person’s name and address.
Adam Knight intentionally has jumped in on multiple other matters this petitioner brings forward BEFORE the citizens have had an opportunity to speak on my topics and declares “motion to receive and place on file” which kills the topic.
Because a good councilor, Lungo-Koehn, suspended the rules a number of other individuals go to speak on my topic – stretching it from my ten minutes to an additional thirty minutes  concluding at 1:05:20 on the tape.  Knight’s malicious abuse of parliamentary procedure would have DENIED the un-named woman, a former councilor – Robert M. Penta, City Solicitor Rumley, School Superintendent Roy E. Belson, my responses to those city officials and former council candidate Andy Castagnetti from speaking.  Knight’s attempt was to keep the public from hearing my topic vital to the cause of free speech: the Attorney General’s determination that the public access TV “Chapter 74” board had been found in violation of the Open Meeting Law on 9/19/17.
The City Council meeting is here:
Current State Representative Donato  noting that “The most protected right” is the discussion of political speech
Port Arthur City Council violated Open Meetings act AND Robert Rules of Order by removing an item of council without having a discussion on the topic. Citizens want to hear or speak on the topic Mr. Willie Lewis brought to council but was negated the opportunity by council
Mr. Knight violates the very purpose of the law by his shenanigans, intentionally speaking at a high rate of speed so that he can’t be understood, stifling conversation on petitions which cost citizens time and effort, tearing up paper or repeatedly walking out on citizens (sometimes with other councilors) to display objection to what a citizen, the very people who pay Knight’s bloated salary, may want to talk about.
The purpose of the Open Meeting Law is to ensure transparency in the deliberations on which public policy is based.  Because the democratic process depends on the public having knowledge about the considerations underlying governmental action, the Open Meeting Law requires, with some exceptions, that meetings of public bodies be open to the public.  It also seeks to balance the public’s interest in witnessing the deliberations of public officials with the government’s need to manage its operations efficiently. 

When is a violation of the law considered "intentional"?

Upon finding a violation of the Open Meeting Law, the Attorney General may impose a civil penalty upon a public body of not more than $1,000 for each intentional violation.  G.L. c. 30A, § 23(c)(4).  An “intentional violation” is an act or omission by a public body or public body member in knowing violation of the Open Meeting Law.  G.L. c. 30A, § 18.  In determining whether a violation was intentional, the Attorney General will consider, among other things, whether the public body or public body member 1) acted with specific intent to violate the law; 2) acted with deliberate ignorance of the law’s requirements; or 3) had been previously informed by a court decision or advised by the Attorney General that the conduct at issue violated the Open Meeting Law.  940 CMR 29.02.  If a public body or public body member made a good faith attempt at compliance with the law but was reasonably mistaken about its requirements or, after full disclosure, acted in good faith compliance with the advice of counsel, its conduct will not be considered an intentional violation of the Law.  G.L. c. 30A, § 23(g); 940 CMR 29.02.

What action do you want the public body to take in response to your complaint?

Adam Knight must be sanctioned and removed from the Medford City Council.  Mr. Dello Russo and Mr. Caraviello should be sanctioned for participating in Knight’s flagrant censorship tactics.

Adam Knight’s ongoing abuse of the public, his use of parliamentary procedure to stifle discussion of topics of great public interest, voting on his own pay raise allegedly within three weeks of taking office, using the city council to promote himself during elections with excessive “congratulations” to people that are his friends (which takes up precious city council time though those individuals appear noteworthy only to Mr. Knight,) even having a campaign worker put his campaign signs against a bus stop, allegations that he uses his government computer at work to campaign for himself, allegations that he puts his campaign signs too close to polling places indicate an individual who makes up his own rules, maliciously harasses residents from the bully pulpit and is, clearly, by the evidence provided above, not a servant of the public but an individual who takes public monies to promote himself and the agenda of other politicians who have the same self-serving mission.  Mr. Knight is a detriment to progress and must be publicly sanctioned and removed from the Medford City Council.