Tuesday, October 3, 2017

We Live Here Too Mrs Burke

1,064,889@12:47 pm
1,064,814 @ 10:55 am 10/3/17
1,064,609 @ 11:53 pm 10/2/17

Wake Up Call for Muccini Burke

watch muccini-burke's deer-in-the-headlights eyes when I'm speaking!

50:14 - 51:44 on the video


Time for TERM LIMITS for Van der Kloot

What an embarrassment to this city when Van der Fruit went after David McKillop last night in a shameless attempt to besmirch Muccini-Burke's opponent

But when the Medford Stealth Bomber, Paulette Van der Kloot is nothing more than a lap dog for Reprobate Roy (Roy E. Belson), what can you expect?  Ethics?  HA!!!!
Roy E Belson is a snake, and in this photo you see SNAKE EYES.

These are not "honorable" people when shifty-eyed Muccini-Burke couldn't look this journalist in the eye last night, and when Belson's shifty eyes are caught on camera, while Van der Frootie's photo at Carroll's looks like the female Sgt Schultz from Hogan's Heroes.   John Banner in drag

Add Paul Gagoots and
School Committee wench Anne Marie Gagootso to the mix
and you have a true ROGUES GALLERY in your city, Medford

Urban Dictionary: gagoots


Italian slang word for the vegetable zucchini. Also used to describe a person who is a little "crazy in the head"

Jay Walkin' on Route 60.  Fine him the dollar and vote him OFF the city council.