Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Malden Access TV Party tomorrow night at ANTHONY'S

1,064,828 @ 11:11 am 10/3/17
Your editor is Music Director for Live on Tape at MATV and helps out with other events.

Last year we brought you a terrific musician to Malden Access TV's Annual Party...and this year we have another maestro, an incredible guitarist to entertain the dinner at 5:45 pm to 7:15 pm

You won't need a CORI to get into the MATV party, Medford residents, just a donation to help the station.

You won't need a CORI to get to the coffee club at RCTV in Reading on Saturday mornings, Medford

But when you have an incompetent station manager who makes Dawn Natalia's credentials glowing by comparison (she was bounced from Westborough TV within 4 months when they saw how useless, allegedly, that she was...she was absolutely useless in Medford, draining our resources) ...when Ben Brown has on his Linked IN that he spent two months doing lighting for a Jimmy Buffet Tribute band...you wonder why Benjy Boy didn't add that he might have played softball one day with a friend of a cousin of a neighbor of a daughter of an acquaintance of Ivanka Trump as well!