Friday, October 4, 2019

Is the City of Medford Worth Saving? Muccini-Termites Eating Away At Your World

1,410,811 @ 12:48 am October 4, 2019
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199 @ 12:48 am - 288 minutes on the overnight, 199 hits!
December 13 is the release of the film Jewel by Clint Eastwood.  It is going to be amazing.

First Trailer Released for Clint Eastwood's 'Richard Jewell'

Helping your community comes at a cost.
Richard Jewell, God rest his soul, knew it.

And so do I.

The investment of time and money into Medford Information Central is to improve our world.

Dirty cops are the rule, not the exception, and now that Chief Buckley's misinformation campaign has been exposed the Chief is probably as mad as TV3 on a drinking binge with cable TV subscriber monies.

But we soldier on.  We are the good guys, me and my many informants.

Keep sending those anonymous letters, keep bumping into me on the street with the exquisite Top Secret stuff like Teresa Walsh getting frog-marched out of Stephanie's dungeon, Elysee Castor and his alleged admission of allegedly stealing the 2015 election for Muccini-Burke, all the goodies we get about a priest and a deacon dealing drugs at two prisons, the creepy stuff about the board of directors of TV3 and how some of them were brought up (poorly, it is alleged,) all the information that flows to give Medford voters the opportunity to clean up city government, even though they steal our elections like a quarter of the cops allegedly stealing detail time from the taxpayers.

And Chief Buckley calls them "good men and women."

Right, Chief.  How about a comment on Trump's phone calls to the Ukraine and China and Russia?   

Maybe Chief Buckley ought to writes some scripts for Trump!  He's getting good at being the Minister of Misinformation.

more soon!