Thursday, October 3, 2019

This Online Site - Helping the Citizens of Medford

1,410,670 @ 8:44 pm
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Why this investment of time, resources and energy for Medford Information Central?

    It started with corruption at the public access television station.  The president of the 501c3 was NOT duly elected, indeed, both this writer AND the city solicitor found names on the board of directors who had not participated in awhile.  Allegedly the president appointed himself, in dastardly Trumpian fashion.

    And y'all can see how bad Trump is with no checks and balances.
       Mayor McGlynn and Solicitor Rumley were NOT fair to the community.   There were many of us maligned by the inept Ronald Delucia, friend of - no surprise - unethical Richard F. Caraviello who committed a crime when he lied to the police.
Reprobates Ron DeLucia and Rick Caraviello at City Hall
Delucia was a bastard to residents wanting to produce their own access television.  The ex high school teacher used the station for his own infomercial while being a son of a bitch to an entire community.  Delucia wasted over one hundred thousand dollars in cable TV franchise fees that the station got via the contract with city hall in order to keep citizens out of access TV and deny them the community resource.  Hell isn't good enough for Ron Delucia.  Getting a face full of Caraviello's bad breath also not punishment enough.

Caraviello lied to the Medford police; crooked Caraviello is a liar and a thug.   Birds of a feather frock together...

 Matthew Page Lieberman is a truly wretched human being and sick individual.  He attacked this writer at a city council meeting. Here he is aligned with Adam Knight, a councilor who reportedly is fighting with his elderly mother.  Uggggh.
The twisted architect of censorship in Medford.
Untrustworthy city solicitor is loathed by many in the community.  Like Bob Maiocco, he thinks he has respect when most know the public laughs AT the two bozos, not with them.
Arthur Alan Deluca, Dr. Rabies, is just a very bad human being.  Period.  From elder affairs investigating him for alleged verbal abuse of his own mother, to the company that he keeps, an individual on the wrong side of the law.   Deluca allegedly censored a tape Paul Donato wanted on the air, is the scarecrow that frightens people away from TV 3.

Deluca used to stalk my automobile at the old TV3 on Canal Street.  When I was finished editing a show and headed home because I was on deadline for my paid articles, the loser, Deluca, would piss, moan and complain that I "had to" drive him home.   The bastard never offered gas money, just used and abused members like myself and the late Pat Fiorello. 

When I dragged Deluca into court for his misdeeds and he heard that I got paid for my articles for the Medford Transcript he was puzzled and was like "Duh...they don't pay me" - Yes, Arthur, because you can't write your way out of a paper bag.  In all the years of harassment Deluca never apologized, but he sure took advantage of me and advantage of the late Pat Fiorello.   There's no doubt in my mind that Deluca has been cruel to his own mother, based on information, belief and a source. The sweet elder woman puts a roof over his no good head, but look what he did to me and to Pat.  Demanded rides, would stand IN FRONT OF MY CAR so I couldn't leave until I drove him to Fulton St, totally in the other direction from where I was going.

Deluca has no job, lives with his mother while he's pushing 70, never been married and - as stated - investigated by elder affairs.  Just like the new Joker movie.   For driving Deluca home so many times he has harassed me, libeled me, done every underhanded thing out of pure jealousy.  He is ugly, lonely, can't hold a candle to producing a real public domain movie show like others do, and his only friend is an individual who terrorized a victim and had the courts put a four year restraining order (technically an HPO) for four years.

The best advice to anyone going to TV3 at the high school: avoid Deluca like the plague.

Von Rommel Fernandes told me that I would like his "Hot Latin Blood."  No thank you, as my late girlfriend put it "We're into beauty."  Notice, Von Rommel, with all our famous threesomes, you were never invited.    VRF with MJM, Inc. the Tony Soprano of Medford, Michael J. McGlynn.   All these individuals took the wrecking ball to access television.  Von Rommel didn't have the integrity to come forward and made me file the complaint for him at city hall in early 2003.

It was the very bad people at TV3 Medford that ignited this blog, and now it serves all the citizens of Medford by exposing the creepy goings on at Medford City Hall and the Medford Police station.

8:44 pm

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