Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Councilor Marks Has Absolutely No Spine

1,568,300 @ 12:19 AM 3-11-2020

Dear Honorable Council President,

You did the right thing tonight, John.  And have earned great respect from me.
I do have a sincere request: when an Adam Knight tears up paper when a Jeanne Martin is speaking, or as I noted to Neil Osborne and Adam Hurtubise, that something would happen to interrupt my First Amendment right, it is incumbent upon a council president to ask for order from the councilor denying free speech rights.

Also, Mr. Krause yelling should have been removed from council chambers immediately.

But you allowed me my free speech rights that this city has been denying me for 18 years.

My speech was positive, was a vision, and the two speakers that followed me (if you notice, give a re-listen) didn't even address my vision for the future.

Mr. Marks sounded ridiculous.  May I remind Mr. Marks that he allegedly said "Joe Vig was right" in regards to the station.

Yes, Michael, I want you to have your show.  I'm the guy who tried to get you on Somerville TV.
BUT not BEFORE your constituents are on the air, and you seem to give credit to Patrick Gordon
when someone else, I believe, put on you television - not Patrick Gordon.

Give credit where it is due, Michael.   To say that you, Michael Marks, have been a great disappointment is an understatement.  Be it when you were on Paul Camuso's side over a decade ago, turned to the right side, and then sat on the fence wondering which way the political winds blow, you have exhibited to this journalist that you absolutely have no spine.

You should resign.   And look up the censorship clauses in the Verizon and Comcast agreements,
and visit Demarest vs. Athol/Orange if you really believe in free speech. Because your comment, Mr. Marks, that access will improve can only happen when Gordon is gone and when the adults finally come in to bring the city real access television.  Something you know I'm able to do with my eyes closed.

Breanna Lungo-Koehn wants talented people from the region?  Here I am, Breanna.

Respectfully to Mr. Falco I remain,

Joe Viglione  

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