Saturday, April 23, 2016

April 6 - Governor's Husband Hushed Up Sex Scandal At School!

684,174 @ 6:38 am
335 since 8 pm last night

Like Roy E. Belson's bloated paycheck in Medford,

Tom Hassan’s Pay Skyrocketed After Teacher Sex Scandal

Former Phillips Exeter Academy principal’s salary increased 60 percent during tenure

New Hampshire Gov. Maggie Hassan’s husband received a $30,000 salary increase the year after his administration failed to inform the public about a sex scandal involving a teacher.

Allegation that Stephanie Muccini-Burkie, Mayor McGlynn and Superintendent Belson are involved in a similar coverup during the 2015 campaign. Meanwhile wealthy Roy Belson kept getting pay increases.

Former Phillips Exeter Academy principal Tom Hassan saw his salary rise about 10 percent, from $332,309 to $361,922, between the 2011 and 2012 school year, according to federal filings.

In November 2011, the school turned over to law enforcement a complaint that longtime history teacher Rick Schubart engaged in sexual misconduct with a student in the 1970s. Hassan forced Schubart to retire and removed him from campus housing, but allowed the him to retain emeritus status. The school did not inform the community, parents, and alumni of the scandal.

Hassan served as principal at the academy, which costs between $38,000 and $48,000 to attend, from 2009 to 2015. His salary increased by more than 60 percent during his tenure.