Saturday, April 30, 2016

Day 121 Of Muccini Burke - what transition team??

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1/3 of a year with Burke in office

On or about February 12 Mrs Burke lost
Attorney Teresa Walsh.   1 down. 27 to go

The Chair of the committee, Paul Camuso, conspicuous in his absence. He reportedly wants to run against Burke in 2017 and has his wife already in the mayor's office. How convenient

Carpetbagger Ken Krause dubs himself "Ken Medford".  He comes from Ohio or something.

It is as absurd as Leo Sacco re=branding himself Leo Lowell

Allegations that Ken Medford slapped Muccini Burke's cronies at the Chamber in the face by allegedly rejecting Citizen of the Year are hilarious given Ken's enormous ego. Krause makes
Reverend Chip appear to be humble upon comparison, proving that God does work miracles

The pessimistic among us can only theorize that Krause wants to keep a low profile given his Green Line escapades

Then there's Elysee Castor - a "gift" from your pals at Medford Housing Authority. More about that joker soon

Fred Dello Russo Jr - on the charlatan's transition team twice illegally censored residents from discussing this group at the people's alleged forum- the city council

No cable tv commission

No canle access tv

Attorney Louise Miller and Karen Rose getting the hell out of Dodge May 6 - following Atty Walsh and Annie Sgroi

Welcome to Day. 121 of the mess Muccini Burke has made of Medford