Thursday, May 23, 2019

Allegations of MASSIVE CORRUPTION in Medford

Is Medford THE most CORRUPT city in the Commonwealth?

---failure to answer simple document requests in a timely manner

---a city law office out-of-control, drunk with power, being snippy in a response to a legal public records request

---the chief lawyer for the city alleged to have misused his taxpayer-funded e mail, alleged to have been moonlighting on Thursdays at Somerville District Court, ex home of disgraced magistrate Ballgame Teddy Tomasone

---the chief lawyer for the city beet-red and angry outside a council meeting when the police refused to remove a citizen because Rumley loathes free speech and didn't want any investigations brought to the council where the public would see and hear the complaints, on public record

---chief lawyer for the city engaged allegedly in a cover-up, Nancy Pelosi, when a fat ex football player city clerk whacked an old man for fun, screaming and yelling like a maniac

---the victim/witness was then intimidated by a city official, immediately, told to shut up and take it.

---Rumley never came to the aid of the victim; Did Rumley - allegedly - orchestrate the attack and have some fat, angry clerk hit a man, screaming and yelling like a maniac?

Would the Law Office endorse PHYSICAL VIOLENCE to SHUT A CITIZEN UP?

Think about it!

a)Rumley did NOTHING to help the senior citizen

b)Rumley loathes the senior citizen and never once helped with his access TV show, not even sponsoring it.  Yet the unethical attorney with the unclean hands sat on the board of directors AND investigated his own board, and shelved the investigation like Donald Trump on steroids.

Total dishonesty, ugly activities which hurt the city and thus, allegedly, violates Rumley's oath of office.

Coming to a Federal Court Room....soon