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Mark E. Rumley is your Garden Variety untrustworthy lawyer who spits on the oath of office and gives the residents of Medford the finger.
Even though Rumley is your average, common thug, he is to be viewed with a jaundiced eye
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Someone who looks upon something with a jaundiced eye is most often perceived as having been harmed or tricked in the past and is world-wise.The word jaundiced is an adjective that means showing distaste, envy or bitterness. It is derived from the word jaundice which means yellow.
In Medford, Massachusetts,
the McGlynn Dynasty
has swallowed up the press
and they come after this reporter
with a vengeance
Now if they were so honest,
which they are not,
streets would improve
city hall doors wouldn't be missing
manhole covers would still be at the DPW
Copper would still be at Medford Housing
Creepy "golden boy" wouldn't hog up the
batting cages denying YOUR STUDENTS
access to something that YOU HAVE PAID FOR
Public Access would be open to the public
Stephanie Muccini-Burke
is a puppet and extension of
banished McGlynn
McGlynn was allegedly exiled by THE FBI
but the Feds did NOT go far enough
McGlynn should be on trial
He is a thug
And Rumley is the Thugmaster
Rumley has enough on
Muccini-Burke and McGlynn
to blackmail them for eternity
if he so chooses
Or as a famous DJ once said to me:
"We know where the bodies are buried;
we just don't want to get buried with the bodies"
regarding an equally exiled
ex program director of a major station
which was so corrupted that they had to
shut it down!
Much like the city of Medford
This writer was INSTRUMENTAL
in the closure of that station,
Uncle Gene
Mr. Covelle
Mr. Frankie Fabulous
I had lots of practice in the 80s and 90s
before taking on
Medford City Hall
They still underestimate me.
The element of surprise is how we are going to bring Muccini-Burke, McGlynn and Rumley
to justice.
Watch what unfolds next,
fat boys Caraviello and Scarpelli
You bastards are all going to hell in a handbasket, quite legally...
To quote Park Marenteau from the grave:
When people see how child pornography - generated allegedly with city of Medford equipment - was swept under the rug like a varsity coach screwing an allegedly promiscuous teenage daughter of a powerful politician - allegedly...
it will haunt Mark E. Rumley
And in a perfect world Rumley will have a decade or so in prison to consider his
alleged malfeasance
Where's the TV3 money, Mark?
Stephanie or Mike got your tongue?
Paul Donato
Really, Paul, now THAT
is being a BAD ACTOR!