Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Chilling of Free Speech in Medford

1,352,047 @ 5:06 pm 

      Why Have a Public Access Station that Keeps Medford out?

The answer?  When Mike McGlynn won't tell you where your expensive benches ran off to, when the Medford Housing Authority strips the copper off buildings, when John Costas tells me in his office "oh that's government waste" when the scammers at TV3 ruined an expensive soundboard donated by one of the major TV stations in Boston, then you know, Medford, you are being screwed royally!

Crooked Medford HATES that we bring you this information

Feb 8, 2001 response from mayor to Feb 6 2001 request by Robert "Wells Fargo" Maiocco, Jr.

and who is now helping the ex mayor do his dirty work?

Do you get it yet, Medford?
They've got you by the balls and you are getting screwed royally!