Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Penta and Cappucci speaking about access TV - 8 PM hour

680,568 @ 8:14 pm
37 @ 8:14 pm


8:08 pm  Breanna Lungo-Koehn taking some leadership on this issue at the City Council, 
8:09 pm she is discussing what Cappuci outlined, new jobs, students having access to the education and more.

Lungo-Koehn is asking for an update from the Mayor's office.  

One of the councilors attempted to table it, but Breanna stepped right in.

Michael Marks now talking 8:10

"Mayor McGlynn was anti-public access.  That Administration did everything it could to deny public access.  I don't know why.

This current mayor put together many committees, the main theme of their report was "WE NEED MORE TRANSPARENCY IN THIS COMMUNITY."   I find it IRONIC is that the thing that would bring in more transparency is GOVERNMENT ACCESS.

They used to televise Medford football games, and the parade live, and talk shows and current events, and a cooking show...it was a great way of uniting the community.  I hope this new Administration practices what it preaches


I agree with the speaker...I too would like to hear about community access.  I read about the first 100 days, but some of the meat and potato issues, I want to hear about. This public access issue has been an albatross around the city's neck for a long time.

Jeanne Martin: This could be an energizer for the city.  For every hundred dollars I pay in my cable bill, $5.00 gets taken off the top.  $3.00 goes into the General Fund.   Jeanne asks for taking that 3.00 for the arts fund..."go back to what it is supposed to." '

8:16 pm  Cappucci comes back to podium to discuss membership fees; not everyone has cable - so Melrose puts shows on the internet...even without cable you can still watch local access in that city...

Cappucci - says Comcast does internal ratings and seventy five percent of the community watches.

It's the political will to get it down.