Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Remove City Officials who LIE and Violate their OATH OF OFFICE

1,144,564   7:34 pm February 7, 2018


1,144,541 @ 6:48 pm Feb 7
705 hits from 7 PM Feb 6

Part 1
An essay from  Joe Viglione

Citizens are writing on my Facebook page  - look at this nugget:

BILL C writes "Imagine if they  had to be under oath while they were trying to sell their snake oil?

You have a mayor who can't control her temperamental husband with the vulgar mouth when he's in public places; a mayor who laughed at Paul Donato's sex stunt on councilor Michael Marks in front of two children and a student running the camera (Oct 15, 2017,) two days after a high school employee, Jenna Tarabelsi, was convicted of rape of a student.
You have a son of a police chief not getting arrested or enduring a field sobriety test Jan 2017 (see WCVB news,) reports of a city solicitor allegedly moonlighting at Somerville District Court being a bill collector - allegedly - when the city pays him handsomely; a city council president and city clerk who lied to the police after this journalist was physically assaulted by the ex football player city clerk, the two unethical individuals dragging that journalist into criminal court on false charges when their dirty, filthy hands put the embattled police department into the mix:

---city council condemns police station for being out of date and reportedly unsafe

---the shameful fall of reprobate officer Stephen LeBert who threatened to kill a man, and who has a long, sad history of wrongful conduct.

---a list of bad apples who were on the force - Miguel Lopez (google him "stoneham") ...if I list the names of the cops they will have another reason to retaliate...go to Medford Information Central dot com for the list of problem cops that we know of

1,144,541 all-time page views @ 6:48 pm Feb 7
705 hits from 7 PM Feb 6 to 6:48 pm Feb 7

A blog obtaining One Million, One Hundred Forty-Four Thousand, Five Hundred Forty-One hits indicates that the press is being suppressed in the city of Medford.    

and last night Adam Knight, the king of not putting his campaign signs in the right place, ahem, lied to the citizens when a reporter put him on the spot with an exact quote, verbatim, when Adam decided to saunter out of the active council meeting to have a strategy session in the room off to the left (if you leave Alden Chambers; on the right if going in) - without any thought of being honest with the citizens, lying to everyone in the hall - including fellow councilors - lying to the TV cameras and anyone watching the fiasco.

...compiling information, there will be a tipping point and the continued misconduct of Medford City Government, found in violation of the Open Meeting Law three times in the past year, with three more complaints pending from three different individuals, it will be hard for Mark Rumley to find enough words in his thesaurus to attempt to distract from the ugly way Muccini-Burke and McGlynn choose to do business.