Friday, October 30, 2020

Bringing a New Lawyer onboard --- Dear Mayor Lungo-Koehn - Distance Yourself from Medford United


Hello Breanna,

Political groups like Our Revolution/Medford (with a convicted felon as part of the group,) Mobilize Medford (allegedly antagonizing citizens) and now Medford United all have an agenda.

This journalist is alleging that the individuals at Medford United have the lowest of standards for themselves. They harm Medford.

1)E.B., the alleged founder, libeled this writer before I prevailed over Richard F. Caraviello in a court of law.

2)As two entities at TV 3 found out, their harassment via e mail, via stalking resulted on two protective orders against two of the individuals who were fixated on me.

I'm still standing.  They have vanished into the night.

3)The irrational behavior is stunning.  They think they can lift copyrights, spew libel and be in a public group without being held up to public scrutiny?

4)The woman in question says she's best friends with the mayor, best friends with the police, best friends with the council president, yet talking to her on the phone, you can feel the desperate loneliness in her voice.   Unruly kids shrieking in the background and mommy's much too busy engaged in gossip on the telephone to attend to her kids. That's a fact. The busybody is busy with some allegedly fraudulent group of charlatans who seem to want to get elected to public office, not help the community as they masquerade they are doing.

It really is disturbing that these individuals think more of their own egos than attending to their kids.  Are the fathers in the picture and what are their concerns if they can't see how their children are being taken care of?  

5)Stalking a disabled senior citizen is pathetic.   If they can't take the heat of public scrutiny on a news site, they should shut the creepy operation down.  However, corporations that claim to be helping Medford deserve public scrutiny.

If a couple of these women are creeps, what about the entire bunch of them?  Did they or do they currently participate in Medford corporations? Can they show us the books and if they were honest if they helped out the West Medford Hillside Little League or Pop Warner or the soccer teams?   A good court case can lead to discovery and we can ask those questions.   Something the community needs to know, especially if they are running for public office.

We saw how a former city council president and his problems at W.F. should have been known before the council repeatedly voted him in as president.

Medford United in particular is oh so shocked with a convicted felon on the school committee, aren't they?  Fine.  Why doesn't the city do background checks on ALL FORMER members of the School Committee going back 5 years. You might find more problems that the public should know about, right?

Who knows, you might find an ex school committee person pointing the finger at the current vice chair of the Medford School Committee whose deeds make the theft of a computer from a New Hampshire school pale in comparison.  Let's find out the backgrounds of some previous school committee people.

Never know what you might find.  Then again, maybe some of us have an idea of what IS out there.

Then there's the kids shrieking while one of the M.U. people is on the phone spewing gossip.

Why so many kids running around and no man in the house? Was there a divorce or divorces?  Were they victims of abuse or did they abuse?  Let's really find out how Medford United operates and how "honorable" women abusing a disabled elder senior really are.

Right now the facts are this:  Pro-Trump women harass people who don't drink the Trump Kool Aid.  When you block them they seem to react badly to rejection and start stealing copyrights, THEFT FROM A DISABLED ELDER, libelous attacks dating back to 2017 before I dismantled the credibility of Richard F. Caraviello AND Detective MacKowski, in a court of law.

Their jealousy festers...they read this blog for months on end marveling at the L'Italien Report and other quality material that took hard work and honest effort.  Real work, like filing public records requests and battling to get those requests properly answered.  This blog has prevailed twice regarding the OPEN MEETING LAW (the quasi cable TV board and the Disability Commission both found in violation due to my hard work.)

So maybe the silver lining is that:

a)We allegedly have found out that four abusers are at the core of Medford United

b)If children are in danger, DSS can deal with it

c)The Elder Abuse is being reported as well

d)If Medford United plays dirty and will text an elder person at 11:11 pm after being told NOT to text, and the obsessive compulsive woman or women then resort to e mailing with fake names but possibly immature enough to use their own ISP, we can do the city a favor and dismantle their terrorist group.

Right now Medford United's credibility is shattered. They are now seen as an abusive bunch of Trump Kool-Aid drinkers.

But harassing an old man?  That's disgusting.

This informative publication is to enlighten the city of Medford.

There is no place for disruptive groups of allegedly dangerous people when Medford is falling apart.