Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Women of Medford Indicted FREAKED as Republican Nutjob Media - Even Breitbart, RUNNING from Hunter Biden False Story...Medford United Women Weep in Agony

 The liars at the quasi political group

Medford Indicted...errr...Medford Divided...are screaming in agony that the false narrative about Hunter Biden has fallen apart.

Phucker Carlson is the only maggot thinking that he can resurrect the dead story....for those with a very low IQ, tune in to Fox News tonight and continue your Medford United delusions.

MAGA scrambles to repair the Hunter Biden narrative, horrifying the lonely, bitter women at Medford United, chicks who can't get a date if they walked into a male bordello with hundred dollar bills dripping off them, are outraged that Trump's lies are no longer working

Instead of publishing the more salacious allegations, conservative media has been more focused on covering alleged suppression of the story.