Friday, October 23, 2020

Fire Negligent Patrick Gordon: Only 23 views of the City Council Oct 13, 2020 meeting (29th Regular Meeting of the Council)

 In Ten and a half days, 10/13/2020-10/23/2020, there are a mere 22 views for the 29th Regular Meeting of the Medford City Council

Patrick Gordon spits at Medford cable TV subscribers via his laziness, negligence and inability to do some honest, hard work.

"Malice towards none, charity to all" Abe Lincoln

Why does Pat Gordon HATE the public and STAND IN THE WAY of Public Access television in Medford.  MATV taught him well.

MATV was envious of Medford Community Cablevision, Inc. and its stable of stalkers so it grew their own! in Malden.

They all want fiefdoms and they suck up to the issuing authority in each community so that they can run the stations into the ground

The 29th Regular Meeting of the Medford City Council was held on October 13, 2020. It has 23 views Friday October 23, ten days later @ 6:33 pm on TV3/TV47's Video on Demand site. 23 views in a city of 60,000 or so is a station manager not doing his job to promote the television programs to the community.