Saturday, October 24, 2020

Medford Divided: Dangerous Mrs. Cugno Ain't the Only Crackpot Feeding You Misinformation and Begging for Your Support

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Medford Divided. 

 There are a number of groups springing up in Medford, yet they are not all accommodating. 

They are exclusive.

Our Revolution Medford, Mobilize Medford, Medford United, these tiny clubs have an agenda and that agenda is bogged down with their "our way or the highway" attitude. 

 Medford United has been hijacked by a former school committee person one Medford politician refers to as "that vicious woman."  Nice. 

 Parking in a fire lane at the high school for hours on end, blocking the parents driving to pick up their kids at band practice. The individual wants to run again for elected office. Really? 

 There has to be background checks on people running for elected office in Medford given the ugliness of past city council presidents, plural, and the selfish way they hold office. You can't say "govern" nor can you say government. 

 Tonight one of these wayward individuals was posting lies that Trump and his followers are spreading to attack the next president, Joe Biden. Really? That's how you want to represent Medford United, as another follower of the Pied Piper, true "Trump Derangement Syndrome" at its worst. 

Most of these individuals don't seem to have graduated 8th grade. Most of the logical people in America are distracted just trying to figure out drunk uncle Donald's flock of immature sheep. I'll be glad when November 3 and this election finally comes to phase 2: Donald screaming "foul" when he stood in the way of voters, and President Biden having the secret service not-so-secretly drag the despot out of the White House and up to New York to face trial. 

But the damage to Medford has been done. We are a house divided in this region and it will be a decade or so, and many new faces, before the fracture can be repaired. You waiting on Breanna to save the day? Don't hold your breath. 

 The crazed Medford Not-so-United woman has focused on removing the convicted felon from the Medford School Committee...while she's supporting the soon to be convicted felon who hijacked 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. 

 Keep dreaming, lady!