Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Did Rick Caraviello have SEVEN CORPORATIONS that all FAILED, allegedly?????

 The President of the Chamber in 2010

With ...allegedly ...SEVEN FAILED CORPORATIONS!   

The Medford Transcript calls that "business acumen."   And if you spent Two Bucks on that issue, the joke is on you!

Do they even investigate and do background checks on these clowns?

May 20, 2010 — New Medford Chamber of Commerce president Rick Caraviello jumped into the business world when he was only a junior in college.

ber in 2010



“I worked in clothing manufacturing for about 20 odd years,” Caraviello says. “My father bought a factory and gave it to me to run.”

That was 1976.

Caraviello’s business eventually closed in the 80s, following foreign competition and union issues. For the next few years he worked a financial counselor, did some promotions and finally opened RC Grand Coach on Salem Street in the early 90s.

Do they even vet these clowns?

So Caraviello's daddy handed him a business, like Trump's racist daddy did, and Ricky boy purportedly (allegedly) drove it into the ground!