Tuesday, October 27, 2020

We Can Make Medford a Paradise...but it takes ORGANIZATION

 Solutions for Medford

Our mayor is not rallying the troops.

Divisive groups are springing up, and they seem to be opposed to each other.

You can't be "united" when the leaders of a group are petty, controlling and abusive.

A POSITIVE, inclusive group is a notion, merely a notion in Medford.

TV3 Medford was vicious, violent and NOT inclusive, under the phony moniker of "community" cablevision.

Really?  A judge deemed them a private little club

Mike McGlynn as ruthless as Adolph Hitler, smiling, being a jolly old Santa Claus, while behind the scene McGlynn was a menace to society.

Time to dismantle the police department in these uncertain times of police vs. the citizenry.   

When corrupt cops align with crooked Rick Caraviello to try to shut down a news organization by filing phony charges...Detective Mackowski embarrassed in court when the judge looked at him sternly and dismissed the case, is all you need to know BEFORE THE L'ITALIEN REPORT.

Breanna must dismantle the police force and start fresh, or she must be limited to one term as mayor.