Tuesday, May 7, 2019

FIRE THE APPRENTICE - a new poem by yours truly....

1,344,989 @ 8:36 pm
only 11 from 1,355,000!
145,000 FROM 1 1/2 MILLLLLLION  jj!!!!!
Fire The Apprentice

This could be a film/directed by Ron Howard
at 1600 Pennsylvania / a liar and a coward
3 million people / cheated in that scam election
It takes a call from Vladmir/to give him an xxxxxxx

He's the King of Collusion/read the New York Times
Winds up Sarah Huckabee / fake news for multi crimes
In a Russian hotel room / some onomato_poeia
The President a mistress for his pal in North Korea

His GOP supporters / Bigger they are, harder they fell
They preach his propaganda, but none know how to spell
Point out their deficiencies / those children go berserk
Such Trumpian attacks, they'll whine and moan, call you a jerk

$1 billion in business losses / Donald Trump is really wired
With that kind of business sense, voters say YOU'RE FIRED
The orange haired fat lunatic, zapped by so many short fuses
The day America's finally free, the day the Donald loses

Come ye all, vote Buttigieg, Liz, Bernie - all of 'em - and Biden
The Democrats, ready to pounce - a Trump gone into hiden'

or use hidin' if you want...it's all slang...


Poetic license to write "hiden' " instead of Bryan Adams' spelling "hidin' " 'cause I want the pure rhyme with BIDEN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LO2mJ71lBuQ