Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Beyond Medford - Some Thoughts Early Christmas Morning

1,502,503 @ 2:10 am

JV Essays...

    Star Trek Beyond is playing - free - On Demand.   Interesting how I had put this film out of my mind and that it doesn't have staying power.  Rather than go back and read my review, I'll just give my thoughts three years later. It appears that Fast and the Furious director Justin Lin couldn't grasp Star Trek.

    Re-booting iconic characters for a new generation puts the spin in a different direction.  As Spock would say, "It is not logical."   Beautifully filmed with an uneven intro that has merit --- though you have to go mining for it - Beyond is disposable pop culture that can't compete with the original Star Trek pilot, The Cage.   So why bother?

      The Cage was a prototype,  was a Star Trek concept that got refashioned to please the corporate world that too often dictates what art should be rather than letting art be what it needs to be.

2:10 am 12/25 19

Truth be told, I was so over-exhausted I had no idea I wrote this stuff at 2:10 am...that Star Trek Beyond thing fell off the cliff...terrible make-up for the ingenuity these days.

6:38 pm 12/25/19