Friday, December 27, 2019

What a Mess Edouard-Vincent has Made of the School System... DISCUSSION

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on a weekend when people are out of town, no less!
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Lots of topics...back to the school malarkey now


JV: ...have heard about TWO alleged walkouts from the school system. From what I understand the Andrews School matter was unfair to the teacher and was, purportedly, swept under the rug by the superintendent. 

Also hearing the the Medford School Committee - which includes Mea Mustone, Paul Ruseau and Kathy Kreatz of the alleged "Medford Revolution" not doing their job. Isn't the Medford Revolution about "transparency?" 

My good friend Mea started off like Ed Markey when he was a newbie congressman...with principles. Mea and Ed these days give paw, roll over and beg. So much for the "revolution." Now I like all three of them *Mea, Paul and Kathy - as people, but we're not talking about them as people, we are talking about the safety of the kids. 

Their boss, Muccini-Burke, is now exiting. 

The hateful letter they wrote about Breanna in the Transcript is a bargaining chip Breanna can use when they get out of line. 

Why did Mayor Stephanie NOT have an Executive Session and why are all these rumors flying? 

Andrews School? That is my next public records request. Superintendent Marice Edouard-Vincent's public records office has failed to answer my request on the other "walkout" - we'd like to know 

a)Who walked the person out and 

b)Why was that person allegedly frog-marched out of the high school. 

There are allegations of no CORI check AND allegedly other improprieties (as in - possibly $$$$$...allegedly) Anyone with information can write to Use a fictitious name if you like, we will look into it - time permitting.


Want some more?

L.M. asks me...

JV Response: Like...which dirt - allegations at DPW, Police Department, school system, we all know how ugly McGlynn made the public access situation - which is MILLIONS of dollars, not hundreds of dollars, not hundreds of thousands of dollars, but Millions of dollars...West Medford Hillside Little League, Pop Warner, the citizens are clueless as to how deep down Alice in Wonderland's rabbit hole the alleged malfeasance goes. 

And Malfeasance was the question asked by retired judge Marie O. Jackson-Thompson when she was paid $3900.00 to "investigate" TV3 Medford, only to have your (allegedly outgoing) City Solicitor tell me he and the judge were "faxing" the report back and forth. So ...Rumley had to APPROVE what the judge wrote for public consumption, allegedly? Really? I thought we paid her $3900.00 of taxpayer money (not cable subscriber monies) for her opinion? She got burned, and so did we. McGlynn just wanted Judge Marie for her good reputation, and then he met with TV3 secretly at Bocelli's and Regina Pizza, then told his pal at the Medford Transcript to put it out there to slap the cable TV subscribers in the face. 

Ever hear the one about former mayor MM on the hardline at Bocelli's with former AG MC? 

No? It's a doozy!