Wednesday, December 18, 2019

We Have It - The Dunkin Donuts Footage of Breanna and the Union Boys!

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a parody with 2,042 to one and a half million page views

Breanna: Madame, what are YOU doing here at Dunkin' Donuts ?

Adam:  1) Don't call me Madame, 2)Thank you for responding to my request to meet me here
Madame Mayor Elect!

Breanna: As Connie Chung would say "Let's just keep this between you and me.  Madame to Madame."

Adam: So much for Unity, Community, Integrity and Transparency...

Breanna: You know it!


Adam: Madame Mayor-elect, Laborer's Local 22,
Boston wants to apologize for maliciously attacking you during the campaign, allegedly!

Breanna: I bet!  What did that allegedly drunk husband of my predecessor say?  "Payback starts tomorrow?"   We'll give you guys a break and wait until January 5th and my coronation, I mean my inauguration is a done deal!

Adam: I want to personally apologize for slamming you so hard while you sat next to me on the city council.

Breanna: And Payback begins with you, Adam!


Part II

Part III