Monday, December 23, 2019

Time to Feel the Love

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New Year Greetings and 
                  Christmas Happy Wishes...

Residents who pay hefty cable TV fees in other cities and towns do not walk into their high schools to get a Criminal Offender Record Information check.   

Yet, not enough citizens fought Rumley's Folly  (folly: noun  1)a lack of good sense or foolishness)

Rumley's foolishness damaged the documentation of Medford history.  


And you cable TV subscribers paid a hefty price...

...not as hefty a price as this angel of access television has paid, but still substantial.  

When three teachers get paid from monies designated for P/E/G access while citizens have to jump through hoops in Medford to go on local television, the city solicitor
was not doing his job as city lawyer...

nor did he do his job as a board member of the highly suspicious and now shuttered TV station.
Citizens fear city government.  Our new mayor told the police chief that - residents fearing the police department -  in no uncertain terms on or about 10/1/19 at the Medford City Council.  

Any cement blocks flying through your window after election day if you speak up and exercise your First Amendment right to investigate compensation fraud at the police department?  

Want to see some photos of the aftermath?

Solicitor Mark Rumley's chilling of speech in Medford was ugly, petty and designed to stop candidates from having their
own program prior to an election without potentially exposing themselves to two untrustworthy administrations.  

It was designed to keep Mayor McGlynn's mayoral appointment, Stephanie Muccini-Burke, in power.  

Thanks in no small part to my writings on Medford Information and exposing city officials (compromising photos and such,) a critical 652 votes in a very close election made the case for the new mayor

MEDFORD, MA — Medford elected a new mayor Tuesday, as longtime city councilor Breanna Lungo-Koehn unseated incumbent Stephanie Muccini Burke. The race came down to a difference of 652 votes, with Lungo-Koehn receiving 6,912 and Burke receiving 6,260.

Mayor Burke actually came in third, even behind city council president John Falco, but when people thanked me for fighting the good fight there was silence from City Hall as well as its next occupant.   Falco 6,678   Muccini-Burke 6,260.

TV3 Medford defamed Bob Penta, Breanna Lungo-Koehn and Stephanie Muccini-Burke on WordPress.   I worked hard, with permission from both Mr. Penta and Ms. Lungo-Koehn to remove the filth from the internet contacting two corporations then in charge of WordPress.

Mrs. Lungo-Koehn thanked me.  Bob Penta thanked me.  Nothing from soon-to-be former mayor Burke.  No thank you.  


With over 13,000 votes cast - 13,172 to be exact, and 652 votes separating Lungo-Koehn and Muccini-Burke, how critical was my blog in uncovering facts that the Patch and Medford Transcript failed to elaborate on or even write about?

Stats as of 10:15 am this morning, 12/23/19
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One Million, Five Hundred and One Thousand, Six Hundred and Eighty Three, 45,950 for the past month and you'd better believe that my writings had a huge impact on the voters. 

Did my news site DENY Muccini-Burke 350 votes?  

Did my news site gain 350 votes for Breanna - absolutely.   

Proof: Mark E. Rumley antagonized me, threatened to sue me, was so fixated on my hard work and honest efforts that I realized the blog had serious traction.  

And after thirty-two years of McGlynn and Muccini-Burke having their way with Medford, we squeezed out a win.

People came up to me - unsolicited - and said "Hope Breanna appreciates your efforts on her behalf."  Many of them.

Sadly, Breanna Lungo-Koehn has yet to call the one person who fought harder than anyone else, at great personal risk. 

The cement block was not sent to intimidate me, it came at such a violent force and velocity it was meant to kill.  I was in the living room at 5:20 am that one morning - very coincidentally - my bed covered in glass, a cat litter box smashed to pieces.  

This is the price of free speech in Medford.
In early 2003 I met with Human Rights Commissioner Diane McLeod and Mark E. Rumley.  Sixteen years ago.  Von Rommel Fernandes at Medford Community Cablevision, Inc. was allegedly being harassed and abused.  I'm a witness to the abuse at the TV station - be it a board member luring a special needs person to Stop & Shop to sexually harass women entering the store - asking if they had a "G" spot and the special needs person not knowing what he was saying, or the atrocious laughing and degrading of the late host of Golden Memories, a man in his 80s,
and Rumley laughing in his office telling me "they are equal opportunity slappers."  

Rumley finding it funny but not correcting the base nature of the very board that he sat on.  And I'm going to Rumley for help when TV3 allegedly called Von Rommel "the fucking immigrant."

Mark Rumley resign?  Why isn't he up on charges for vicious (and violent) human rights abuses?   No, instead Mr. Rumley investigates the missing $38,000.00 or so as reported in the Medford Transcript (the estimate this reporter has is - allegedly - a LOT more than that) and then Rumley deep-sixes his own investigation of the very board that he sat upon.  

How convenient.  

See if that jives with the attached "oath of office."

McGuire v. Reilly, 260 F.3d 36, 42 (1st Cir. 2001). The Supreme Court has explained that "the loss of First Amendment freedoms, for even minimum periods of time, unquestionably constitutes irreparable injury." Elrod v. Burns, 427 U.S. 347, 373, 96 S. Ct. 2673, 49 L. Ed. 2d 547 (1976). Thus, when "First Amendment interests were either threatened or in fact being impaired at the time relief was sought," a preliminary injunction is proper. Id. In the following discussion, the preliminary injunction standard will be applied separately to each challenged provision of the Revised Manual.  (Demarest v Athol/Orange, a huge case for access television rights.)

"...agreeable to the rules and regulations of the Constitution" is what Mark Rumley signed in his oath of office.  Yet for well over a decade and a half I think I've explained it pretty clearly to the city lawyer that his oath - his promise - is in direct conflict with his actions on the public record.

Citizens do not have the time to go to centers for legal ethics.  Citizens trust city employees to hold themselves to the highest
of standards.  When that trust appears to be violated, what remedies do residents have?

Along with being the city lawyer, Mr. Rumley was appointed to the board of directors of the television station.  This gave him great power over the residents paying Mr. Rumley's - in my opinion - bloated salary.

Citizens not even aware of their own city charter have less understanding of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. There is a page on worth reading.
The sad thing is, Mr. Rumley is well versed in his obligations to the citizens of Medford and - as many of you know - I have posted what I believe are Rumley's violation of his obligations.

The rumor mill says that Rumley is retiring on January 1, 2020.  Why he wasn't frog-marched out of city hall long ago is the question for the damage that Mark E. Rumley inflicted on Medford - from sports shows not being cablecast to your grandma and mine baking cookies - is beyond the scope of all that is logical, that is honest, that is a product you paid for that selfish Mr. Rumley took from you.

Ask this question: 

Did you see access television and community television flourish under Rumley's direction - after all, Mayor McGlynn sent every complainant to the law office to file grievances - and there were many - or was access television a dark cloud over Medford with the monies not being properly accounted for?

How could Mark E. Rumley look in the mirror investigating the very board that he sat upon and then failing to follow-through?

 Page 4
Freedom of Speech & Press

The First Amendment protects individual expression by guaranteeing the freedom of speech. The Supreme Court has broadly interpreted “speech” to include Internet communication, art, music, clothing, and even “symbolic speech,” such as flag burning. Freedom of the press generally allows for newspapers, radio, television, and now many online sources to publish articles and express opinions representing the public dialogue without interference or constraint by the government."

Heck, even I'd make a better city solicitor than Rumley, but the only bar I've passed recently is the one I do publicity for.   On New Year's Eve this year they have dragged me out of the mothballs to perform again (I haven't played a
New Year's Eve party since 1981 at Cantones in Boston, which is now a hotel.)   If Rumley is resigning, then my performance is a celebration.   It's free admission (I wanted to charge $25.00 per person but got outvoted, the club wants to give something back to the community. )

So the Sarah Palin of city lawyers  purportedly is resigning.  McGlynn's court jester is being put out to pasture.
The man I removed from a witness stand in Somerville court for not being a witness (with a simple "objection,")
that bucket of water that dissolved Medford's Wicked Witch of the West, is not enough.

In Rumley's office: "No person would do this for himself (Fight TV3 and city hall,) you are doing this for the greater good." (paraphrased.)

Yes, Mark, I am.

Citizens want answers.  Citizens want information.   

Mark Rumley gets a "get out of punishment" pass for denying residents and candidates for elected office a clear path to public access television.

Retirement is not enough.   Mayor Lungo-Koehn needs to investigate the city law office..and you know what will happen...the floodgates will open and information will flow that can clean up many aspects of Medford.

Mr. Donato - "Rumley's Roommate" as I like to call him - purportedly has stated that I'm the best person to operate the access television station.   Truth be told, whether or not Donato said that, I am.   Tell me of a station manager with the experience (dating back to 1979 in television, 1978 in radio,) the passion, the intelligence and the vision.

652 votes got the new mayor elected and my news site has over one and a half million page views.

The TV station?  Clearly, I've earned it.   Let's see how that Unity, Integrity, using people who have the skills in this community, Transparency AND community works out for us.   

Thus far, I'm not feeling the love that I deserve


Joe Viglione  

11:37 am 12-23-19
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