Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Trump is the Criminal Element

1,506,693 @ 8:56 am last day of the year

Citizens should not be stuck with a Donald Trump, McGlynn,
Muccini-Burke or Rumley.  It is just plain WRONG!

'Game changer': Top Democrats say bombshell report shows need for witnesses in Senate impeachment trial

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, then-national security adviser John Bolton and Defense Secretary Mark Esper urged Trump to release the aid, with Bolton saying it was "in America's interest," the report said.

Schumer: NY Times report on Ukraine is freeze is 'game changer

"The New York Times story explains exactly why— Bolton, Mulvaney, Esper and [OMB official Michael] Duffy, the four exact people that the Democrats have wanted to testify as witnesses in the Senate— those are the same people trying to hide behind these rocks," said Neal Katyal on The Beat, about the blocked testimonies and witnesses who have said they wanted direction from the court on whether or not they have to testify. 

"Even in the Republican senate, the senate that his party controls, [the president] is not going to let them testify. He's so afraid of the truth coming out, he is acting guilty as sin," Katyal added. 


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