Saturday, September 19, 2015

EXCLUSIVE: Cradock Bridge Mess

465,747 @  3:06 AM
465,737 @  2:39 am
Exclusive Photos
Cradock Bridge Mess
Friday Evening, September 18, 2015 

All photos Copyright (C) 2015 Medford Information Central; all rights reserved.
May not be used without permission.

The Curse of Muccini-Burke / McGlynn
Double Whammy -
Pay-To-Park - Cradock Bridge Disaster

Mrs. Burke and Mike McGlynn perpetrated this nonsense on the residents of Medford.  The kiosks have created mayhem...the poorly planned Cradock Bridge disaster, a colossal slap in the face to businesses and residents by the lame-duck Mayor and his accomplice, the former director of personnel and ex budget director.

These photos were taken on Friday evening,
September  11:28 pm or thereabouts.


Mrs. Burke's LIE about PUBLIC SAFETY

At about 11 PM firetrucks - plural - and an ambulance attempted to get around the mess while cars in the other direction were stacking up.

It was shockingly dangerous, and from a large picture window at a restaurant this reporter watched as the trucks attempted to rush by but were stifled by so much junk in the road.

The lighting was obnoxious and flooded the restaurant.

What a disaster while McGlynn runs around putting signs up for Muccini-Burke and doesn't give a damn about the chaos the terrible two-some, Stephony and Mad Mike, have inflicted on the city.

Pay to Park and the insane bridge repair project that could have been done far more professionally, is a sick joke perpetrated by the delusional Mayor of Medfraud, Michael J. McGlynn.





This photo taken at 11:28 pm exactly.

Local Businesses Open - but McGlynn's Bridge Fiasco is keeping the patrons away!


