Monday, September 21, 2015


467,801 @ 11:24 pm

Adam Knight campaign signs allegedly near  - too close to - polling places

Stephanie Muccini-Burke signs allegedly too close to polling places

Dirty Pool Paul Camuso appearing to campaign from behind the rail instead of RESIGNING!

Has anyone received Mrs. Burke's attack advertisement disguised as a polling question where she besmirches the name of her opponent while praising herself in a TELEPHONE POLL?    Name of the Company performing the "Troll Poll" -  Connection Strategies based out of Somerville - it's a huge story that is only going to get bigger.  In the Medford Transcript Stephanie Muccini-Burke stated: "I will continue to be the qualified candidate that is respectful, informed and will always use a positive..."   OK, let's get this straight, Muccini-Burke didn't resign, Paul Camuso appears to be campaigning on Muccini-Burke's behalf from behind the rail at City Council meetings, and now Mrs. Burke demands Penta's resignation because she's a hypocrite who should have resigned when she - instead - stayed in power long enough to create the budget for next year.  Too funny if it didn't have such a pathetic ring to it.