Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Madam Knight and Michael C. Ruggiero

468,256 @ 12:49 pm
Where is the "nuke" that ex-council candidate Mario Martin was preparing to remove Adam Knight from the city council????

Michael C. Ruggiero seems to have dropped like former Republican presidential hopeful Scott Walker after his disastrous under 1,000 showing in the primary.

The Primary is where the newest faces could have had the most traction.   

That is where hard work and perseverance would have brought out a huge number and stunned the status quo.

But where Ruggiero and the person who endorsed Ruggiero, Mario Martin, had such poor showings, it was a stark reminder to Medford residents that come November 3, it is the people who Medford citizens know, who Medford residents have interacted with, who will be on the minds of the voters.

Johnny-come-lately Ruggiero thinks he can sweep into town like a prima donna, besmirch incumbents, use incumbents and the police chief and our library, go into a high shrill voice to make what he thinks is an "important" point and throw punches at people he doesn't really know.

And then Ruggiero shows his deficiencies in government by complaining about a "bad" review which points out Ruggiero's flaws...claiming accurate reporting is violating the First Amendment (???) and is "divisive" and sets a bad tone (???) when the bad tone comes from people like Ruggiero and Mike McGlynn.

Then the clown, Ruggiero, engages in criminal harassment with accomplices on Facebook, forcing this news outlet to seek legal remedies, which were successful and protect this news outlet so that we can BETTER SERVE Medford with what Rep Paul Donato calls "THE MOST PROTECTED RIGHT" - Political Speech!

Ruggiero whined while attacking incumbent councilors and using the police chief like a dish rag.

Voters are smarter than that.

But where is this "nuke" to destroy Adam Knight that Mario Martin was telling us about? 

File under: Ka Boom! Ha Ha!   As in a supreme leader Kim Jong-un's fizzled rocket...ker plunk!  

No nuke is necessary to remove Madame Knight...she's doing a fine job on her own of imploding at the council, on the street, being a typical Camuso-styled nuisance.

Birds of a feather DO flock together!!!