Tuesday, February 23, 2016

LIVE COMMITTEE : Mark Rumley 6:16 PM CIty Hall

627,198 @ 6:17 PM

6:15 pm the station goes live
Timeline from Mark Rumley, who put it together this afternoon, not realizing what we knew last week, that it would be in the large room.
photo from C.R.
Mr. Rumley's microphone annunciation is "popping his p's.," that's a criticism, but Rumley will call it "criminal harassment," because that's the pattern in the city of Medford.

MGL 43b  Sec 3

no politician can run for Charter Commission, the City Clerk knows very well says that your name can only be on the ballot once.

If an election official is not running again, it's a different story.  You need 100 signatures to get on the ballot, 30-35 days in advance...

If the Voters pass it, Charter Review, the people running are tallied if it passes; if the Charter Review isn't passed, there will be no tally for the "commissioners"

This is something I didn't know until this afternoon, $7,500 for the expenses of the Charter Commission, not compensation, but expenses - Mark Rumley

First hearing within 45 days, Charter Commission.

There is a difference between a meeting, but a hearing in 45 days.   

6:21 pm  From the date of their first hearing, within 16 months the charter commission was submit its first and preliminary report; within 18 months their final report, some procedural aspects to that before it goes on the ballot.

6:22 pm This is the time frame that would be applicable.

Footnote: Only a commission elected by the people can entertain certain changes, and they are:

a)a charter amendment may not be used to change ....terms of office of a legislative body, a mayor, so unless there is an elected commission, there's a limit on what they can oppose

b)there are certain things that apply to a city that can't be changed...you can't change the submission of the budget at a different time; as an example (and that's true for some other things also...according to Rumley. Laws that apply to cities across the board cannot be changed by a Charter amendment or commission.

That's my presentation   6:24 pm



photo from C.R.