Thursday, February 25, 2016

The Jell Estupido Joakley Interview, Editor of Weekly Medford Sanskrit

629,766 @ 10:02 am
 We walk in to the offices of the Medford Sanskrit, 40 minutes away from the city of Medford, while the cub reporter sits in a dingy office the next city over, and the editor herself lives in Malden or Everett, not even in the place that they are reporting on. Go figure.

We set up our cameras and Jell (short for Jealous,) Estupido Joakley, the long-time editor, seems allergic to the lighting or the camera itself.  She is tight-lipped as the Mona Lisa and will not crack a smile for our cameras.


Jell, thank you for your time.   You still using Dr. Rabies is your main source at city hall.

(Joakely writes something down refusing to smile once she sees we've got the camera on her,)

"No.  I learned my lesson when Rabies burned me on the racism story."

We look at Jell Joakley aghast.   "You didn't see a conflict with the person being investigated for racism being your leak?"

She writes down: "Look, futhermucker, I'm lazy, got it?  I collect a paycheck and don't give a damn about journalistic ethics, integrity, doing the right thing, honesty or any other standard. This paper makes Jayson Blair look like Mother Theresa."

Good point, Jell. Speaking of being a mother, don't you think scuttling a story THAT YOU KNEW ABOUT regarding a coach and a student having a little fling was beyond unethical; you knew the election would have dramatically changed had you published solid information from a real informant that a teacher had slept with a student and that the candidate had hushed it up for political purposes throwing her own daughter under the bus, how do you live with yourself?

Joakely at this point is tired of scribbling, she just gives a malicious, tight-lipped smile without exposing her teeth.

"So have you seen the yellow brick road?"

She writes down "Adam Knight needs some Ultra Brite or to brush his teeth with baking soda."

A we've got you on the subject

Jell Hoakley finally smiles for our camera, her mouth a row of yellowed corn resembling Captain Crunch that was left in the back room for a few years to mold and disintegrate.  It was frightening. We can't show you the video because her smile cracked the lens.


Jell Estupido Joakley uses a weekly "mainstream" paper to hurt people without publishing the truth, just city hall's propaganda 

The pudgy little cub reporter grabs a waste basket as he can't get to the men's room on time after seeing the grisly sight. 

No, not his editor's teeth...the fact that he's been had on the Journalistic Integrity issue

from the web:
Conscientious journalists from all media and specialties strive to serve the public with thoroughness and honesty. Professional integrity is the cornerstone of a journalist's credibility.

 When has that ballooning jerk (is he eating the ex councilor's candy? Maybe he found it in the men's room stashed away ...) ever accurately reported on a city council meeting without intentionally skipping over TV3 topics because he was ORDERED TO

Journalistic integrity?  Not in Medford where city hall has its Media Blackout.  Shame on both of them.