Friday, February 26, 2016

TV3 Board attacked Church ex member Attends

740 @ 12:57 pm since 7 pm last night


Ultra-Reprobate TV3 Board member Arthur Alan Deluca took to the airwaves to mock a man because of the church that he attends.

TV3 board also authorized a libelous 24 hour bulletin that an innocent man had been "convicted."


The full board is responsible for those comments that a board member and a station manager, respectively, aired to inflict emotional distress on a citizen.


A private citizen.


So if one lampoons a public figure with levity to make a point about hypocrisy; and if that public figure was still on the board of directors and not stepping in to stop his fellow board member from a vicious assault to 60,000 people over the period of a month or so, an assault on the place where the man chooses to worship, what mechanisms are in place to hold the public figure accountable if he did, in fact, join in gleefully on the religion bashing, and doing so to inflict emotional distress.


A lampoon on a public figure to point out hypocrisy is meant to be a "delusional parody."  


If a public figure tells a judge that a blog is a "delusional" entity, how can they have it both ways when they may have been part of a board that inflicted severe emotional distress on an ex-member of the TV station by abusing the role that a board member is truly supposed to  abide by: doing outreach (a contractual obligation,) and not using the station as a bully pulpit to defame enemies - real or imagined.


That's why TV3 was an intentional ghost town, the way McGlynn wanted it to be.


Now there is no tv station, yet you still pay for it.

After a board member stepped down and a woman took over for him, he still had an obligation to pull the libelous "convicted" post down.  He didn't.   Why?  Because city hall's M.O., the Police Chief's m.o., is to smear the victims.   Chief Sacco dismissed Marjorie McMillan as a "constant complainer," as he swept Steve Lebert's wrongful conduct under the rug.


Sacco's credibility is at zero right now. His only power is in the title that he holds, as tattered and questionable as it is, he holds on to his position in Medford to make up for his willful, malicious and horrifying failure to hold himself to the same standards that he holds others to.


It's a power grab.  They don't give a damn that they fail to play by the rules.  They will continue to beat up on victims (a woman punched in the mouth by a cop said to "have issues" by Leo A. Sacco Jr.)'s disgraceful and impeachment of Sacco, Superintendent Belson and Muccini-Burke is an obvious necessity for this city to heal.


Missouri Suicide Haunts Ted Cruz Campaign

The Daily Beast 12 hours ago
Schweich, in fact, was not Jewish; he was Episcopalian, though of Jewish ancestry. Schweich suspected Hanaway’s allies had launched an anti-Semitic whisper campaign against him—a prospect he found deeply disturbing, according to reports from local and national publications.