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Medford Information Central Dot Com
The dirt is coming out on Satan Manning.
Will TV3 be the next shoe to drop?
Report: Manning accuser called sexual assault crisis center on day of incident
Posted by Mike Florio on February 22, 2016, 8:35 PM EST
Getty ImagesJust when it appears that no new developments are coming in the 20-year-old incident involving Peyton Manning,
another new development emerges. Today’s comes from ESPN, which quietly
has become the leading source in recent days of new information about
the incident — much of it casting a negative light on Manning.http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2016/02/22/report-manning-accuser-called-sexual-assault-crisis-center-on-day-of-incident/
The Golden Cow of Football, the false idol and false prophet, even ESPN is abandoning him, when they were the propaganda outlet, much like Muccini-Burke being the heiress to McGlynn's Negative Spin Machine.
How many people in Medford have been harmed, and how much sexual abuse in Medford has been - allegedly - covered up?
A new demand for info just filed with the Sec. of State's office. Had a lengthy phone conversation with them on the issue today.
Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth
Public Records Division
One Ashburton Place, Room 1719
Boston, MA 02108
“request for further assistance for xxxxxxxxxx
Dear Public Records Division:
Regarding xxxxxxx, Public Records Request made re: documents at Medford High School
1)I take issue that there are not more documents
2)I do not believe the exemption applies to the school when it comes to matters of teachers
and false bomb threats.
am satisfied with the responses to items #3 and #4 - the theft at the
McGlynn School and the woman intruding on the bus; why are there
documents for #3 and #4 and no documents on items #1 or #2?
I'm asking is for Items #1 and #2 to be treated the same way they gave
me a response on #3 and #4. The documents, if they exist, are public
record and the public has a right to this information
Thank you