Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Allegedly Drunk Husband Allegedly Out on His Ass After Stephanie Loses Election

Trouble in Tinseltown! ???

Reportedly, Rumley ain't the only one out the door.

Stephanie and Brian no more?


Can't Keep Up With it!


Keep in mind...just a rumor...but how many times have our rumors been correct?

I'm just wondering if Brian gave me jury duty since I already did jury duty awhile back...

hmmmm…..have to look into this...

we know he's vindictive!

Congrats to Paul and his wife, 10K raise to move to the highschool.  Deep down I like Jeanine.
I think she's pretty and smart AND she keeps my pal Paul in line.  What's not to like?
Abandoning the Old Ship Stephanie

Guess getting rid of Pat Gordon will be a LOT easier now.

Burke's office at city hall splintering
Jeanine Camuso 10k raise to go to high school
Allie Fiske at Saugus Town Hall
Deanne Deveney at Everett City Hall
Lauren Feltch, close to Mayor Burke, at auditor Suzanne Bump's office

and today's news, the hateful City Solicitor (and here's a quote: people that liked him didn't get along with him) Mr. Cori Check himself - out the fxxxxxng door.....hopefully the door hits him on the way out
ha ha...

add the allegedly drunk hubby to the list?

It's a CLEAN SWEEP for Darth Stephanie!