Wednesday, October 2, 2013

124,900 HITS Editorial on Candidates Night


Consider this page Medford Vote Smart or Vote Smart Medford - an idea from the page:

A city-wide election is less about Republicans and Democrats than it is about the individual.   There's a big difference between high stakes national campaigns and how elections are conducted in cities and towns in different regions across America.  Both local and national have to deal with potential corruption and "insider trading," if you will, but at the end of the day voters need to be informed enough to know who is the best person for the job and, very important, if the person who runs the best campaign is actually the best person to be a city or town leader.

Let's take City Councilor Paul A. Camuso for one example.  At the City Council meeting of October 1, 2013 in Alden Chambers two councilors - Michael Marks and Robert Penta - put a motion on the agenda to give some monies to the Medford Arts Council (Exhibit A, see below).  Mr. Camuso hijacked the idea - it wasn't even his motion - and started campaigning for himself, insinuating that he has the ear of the Mayor and that 20K should be allocated for the Medford Arts Council.

This kind of show-boating by Mr. Camuso is typical of someone who knows how to run a campaign, but it is a glaring example of someone who follows the leader; a follower, not a leader, putting his finger into the political waters and reacting to his fellow councilors instead of taking the initiative himself.

In 2011 Mr. Camuso referenced empty storefronts.  Have you seen more occupancy or less since Camuso made that campaign promise?  The answer is LESS.
   In 2011 Mr. Camuso said this to the local press as an argument for why he should be re-elected:

"We must do more to attract taxpaying business to Medford. We cannot allow storefronts to remain vacant and major national and regional businesses to go elsewhere."

   See a previous PATCH blog from me about Salem St. empty storefronts

Paul Camuso said "Hi" to myself and a council candidate last night after the council meeting. He was very professional and courteous.  Freddy Dello Russo ignored this writer - twice - when I commented "Good speech tonight, Freddy."   Go figure.   Guess a constituent that is breathing is a constituent Mr. Dello Russo has troubles communicating with.

It was a sincere compliment.   Dello Russo is not antagonistic with me, certainly doesn't have knock-down-drag-outs like Mr. Camuso and I have on camera, but Camuso is the friendlier and Mr. Dello Russo, feeling entitled, just ignored a constituent. I'm probably not the only one  Note these incidents off-camera as important information for voters during this election cycle.  Dello Russo looks totally bored sitting behind the rail; at least Paul Camuso has some passion, as misdirected as it is. 

And speaking of "misdirection" - did you know that Michael J. McGlynn is the Chair of Ward 2. Do you, as a voter, feel comfortable that a 26-year incumbent Mayor is actually the chair on a committee which is holding the only "debate" in the city between Mayoral candidates D'Antonio and McGlynn (October 16th, the day after the October 15th election for Congress, 5th District; the City Council debate is the next week.)   Do you feel the process is fair and objective?

One of the individuals in charge, Carolyn Rosen, wrote to this writer on October 1 explaining:  "We took the Medford Transcript, a member of the Chamber and a union representative for the city council forum, all 3 of which represents a cross section of the city as a different group and we chose a parent involved in the PTO for the School Committee forum."

Well, that presents a huge problem.   If you watched the City Council on September 24 you saw the Medford Transcript get hammered for alleged biased reporting.  Rosen never tells us which "union" representative will be asking the questions, but who in a city of 56,000 thinks a union representative represents their needs?  I certainly don't.  Do you?  

Rosen and her pals are taking the "safe route" - safe for the McGlynn Administration, which controls the media, the access television station that doesn't exist as of this writing (turn on Channel 3 or the Verizon access channel for proof of that) and controls your life if you live in the city of Medford.

Medford City Hall is having a party, not a Republican party, not a Democratic party, just a big, old fashioned and very expensive party, and it is at your expense.

Farmers rotate crops for a very specific reason.  We need crop rotation in politics too. McGlynn is allegedly gaming the system, and the result is not only not good for you, dear resident, it is very, very bad with even worse repercussions.  26,000 of you didn't vote in 2011.  What is it going to take to get you out to the polls this November 5? 

Your polling locations are here:


13-689-Offered by Councillor Marks and Penta
Be it resolved ... that in light of all the wonderful citizen driven community arts activities that have branched out throughout our City during this past year, a sum of $10,000 be requested to be added to our 2014-2015 City budget to be earmarked for the Medford Arts Council in support of our community art activities.

Exhibit B

The Medford Democratic city and ward committees make up the local arm of the Democratic Party. Throughout the year, the committees work to support Democratic candidates, register voters, and spread the message of Democratic values in our city.

Exhibit C
The Republican party has this site