Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Dirty Rats at TV3 face prospect of being banned for life, as they've done to others!


 It's a public safety issue.  Frank Pilleri and his gang of thugs - including one up on a charge of a false bomb threat - can never be allowed to put their ugly behavior near a new access TV station.  The threats from Alberg, Delucia, Pilleri and Deluca are very real.


It's a public safety matter.  Frank Pilleri is a hothead who banned, ridiculed, sued, lied under oath and couldn't prove in a court of law that perjury wasn't committed!

Iovino's poorly written article on Access, as out to lunch as Dello Russo's stupidity

“Some of us could be banned, which is not democratic,” he (Frank Pilleri) said. “I can’t say that I would never try to become a member, but it doesn’t seem we would be invited to become members.”

Read more: http://www.wickedlocal.com/medford/news/x919094217/Medford-city-officials-continue-to-ask-questions-over-TV3#ixzz2hpYNc0Du
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Pilleri banned residents; why the Pilleri polluting infection CANNOT be allowed to enter the clean waters of a new station

“I think it’s important that we look at ourselves and figure out how we can avoid making this mistake again,” said Wade. “These people should never ever be allowed to put the public, politicians or anyone in this city in any kind of jeopardy ever again.”

Over the summer, several city councilors, including Penta, complained TV3 board members hijacked personal and family photographs and orchestrated a series of mean-spirited online attacks targeting city officials and others that criticized the station.