Thursday, October 17, 2013

Letter to the Editor 10-16-13

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slow and steady wins the race!

For a 26 year incumbent to say at Candidates Night that he has "no regrets"  is stunning in its arrogance and conceit.

Ya think McGlynn doesn't shudder and regret that he brought up River's Edge at candidates night?  McGlynn's version of the Edsel.  Were River's Edge a musical CD by Mike McGlynn and the Cronies it would be one of the biggest returns in music history, bigger than Dylan's Planet Waves, Lou Reed's Metal Machine Music, the Bee Gees Sgt. Pepper soundtrack and the KISS solo albums!   All discs which were over duplicated and came back as massive returns, ker plunk, straight to the cut out bins.
If McGlynn doesn't regret River's Edge he sure must regret that opponent Anthony D'Antonio noted McGlynn's Mystic Valley Development Commission - allegedly an entity with no liability insurance - lost a 4 million dollar judgment in court.  Did anyone related to Mike McGlynn profit handsomely from the lawsuit?  These are the questions residents want to know from the lips of a slick politician who has more regrets than he has skeleteons in his closet, and this Halloween it is obvious he has lots and lots of skeletons.

Here's a photo of the vehicle McGlynn got into at 8:05 last night after the "debate" (oh, excuse me, the "forum") from the Democratic City and Ward Committee which features as the chair of Ward 2 a slick politician by the name of Michael J. McGlynn.  Why didn't your publication alert the voters that McGlynn chairs a ward for the conflicted committee that threw the event?  The photo is of the same vehicle parked at a bus stop the week before, 10/9/13.  It is allegedly Jack McGlynn's SUV and Mike McGlynn allegedly drives it.  The photo is circulating on the internet.

McGlynn doesn't regret backing Carl Sciortino when his plan was allegedly to push Peter Koutoujian for Congress.    Backing the openly gay State Rep was superb for Mike's "some of my best friends are" routine that no one is buying, but a stunned Koutoujian must feel like the bridesmaid a couple of days after his run for Congress.

McGlynn has lots of regrets.  One of them is that he agreed to the dog and pony show known as "Candidates Night" and that he has an opponent not afraid of the incumbent's legendary strong-arm tactics.  A couple of the McGlynn goons were bothering me last night (behind me) while the City Solicitor, Mark Rumley, and Rep Donato were to my left.   Donato and Rumley probably heard the two alleged union guys baiting me.  It's the hand that McGlynn doesn't show that should concern voters.  And the fact that the media doesn't want to touch these issues with a ten foot pole.

McGlynn lost the "debate" last night, big time.  It should be front page news on the Medford Mercury tomorrow, Friday, October 18, 18 days before the election.
