Thursday, October 10, 2013

Nell Coakley Interviews Frank Call

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The Nell Coakley Interviews!
A parody of
The Medford Sanskrit where you can't even read between the lines!  There's Nothing there! TM

There's Nothing there!TM 

as in Nothing Interesting, Never Involved

Nell: Frank, so good to see you.

Frank:Hi Nell, boy you do love your Colleens' Chocolate Fudge Sundaes

Nell: Do I ever, and you're paying for them today for pointing that out.  There are allegations from an excellent reporter McGlynn won't let me hire that you are conflicted as a panelist at Candidates Night because you represent a 510c6 non profit?

Frank: Heck, TV3 got away with it for years ...but they were a 501c3 and REALLY barred from political speech. The problem here is my conflict with most of the candidates!

Nell: And - if I may be frank, his name was FRANK too!

Frank: Frank 2?  Are you calling me out on this?

Nell: Why would I call Frank, he's been dethroned by the Opposition leader

Frank: Not call Frank; FRANK CALL, I'm Frank Call

Nell: Frankie called?  Sunset Boulevard here we come...Mr. Dempsey, I'm ready for my close up!

Frank: Yeah, just in time for Halloween

Nell: Boy are you testy today. Screaming at Councilor Rick Caraviello on the phone for outing you at the City Council on Tuesday night

Frank Call: How the hell do you know about that?

Nell: Like all informed journalists, I plagiarize the Medford Information Central.  You should too, Frankie 2!

Frank: Frankie too????

Nell: Toodle-oo! 

"There are paranoids out there, Joe, but you've got real enemies!"  Nell Escobar Coakley of the Medford Transcript; real quote, not a parody.  Truer words were never spoken!   Oh, if you are a knockin' on my door I am in WITNESS PROTECTION ...send an e mail.