Monday, October 7, 2013

Part 2 Alleged Lavish Spending by Broken Non-Profit in Medford Massachusetts


Part 2 of our riveting series on the alleged abuses by a broken non-profit in the city of Medford, Massachusetts

Hello Mark Rumley and Chief Sacco:

3 days after TV3 allegedly voted to shut down the MCC TV3 Twitter account is still in use, despite the board voting to shut down, to attack (a city councilor)

Is it not true the 501c3 still exists until all the paper work is filed?  They have no right utilizing Medford city property to attack a candidate for office

Also, is Arthur DeLuca utilizing a bus pass paid for by the cable TV subscribers? What other "perks" are the members of the TV3 crowd using?

---city owned computers?

---are the programs the computers need (Avid, Microsoft Word, etc. etc.) safe or are people making duplicates, possible illegal copies for personal use

---will the police ask if the webmaster used these resources for the crime he's been charged with?

---Are all computers, programs, bus passes, "perks" accounted for or is the board of directors that failed to answer questions the City Council asked (about meeting minutes, the number of members on the board etc) using city resources they have access to for their own personal or business benefit?

@xxxxxxxxxx thanks for ur public tweet. Im sure it will be used against you in the upcoming months.