Anthony D'Antonio for Mayor 32 days from now!
The voice of Von Rommel is echoing in their ears!
"You treat J.V. like he's P. F. Joe is no >>>>> Oh Rellllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"
D'Antonio For Mayor in 32 Days from Oct. 2
When I was exercising my First Amendment right at the City Council I was stalked by the three board members.
The ringleader, the self-appointed-you-know-who (no longer so "fabulous") used a vulgarity and said "You FXXXXED UP"
Oh really?
Ya think?
Well think again. Your ship has sunk and the rats are all fleeing and desperate to cut a deal.
Can you hear those canaries oh fabulous one?
They are going to be sing, sing singing...