Monday, October 7, 2013

Vote for D'Antonio, Martin, Crowley, Morse!

  People you have four weeks until election day.  Here are some thoughts on candidates and politics

Carl Sciortino campaigning for women's rights in Massachusetts is like citizens petitioning for Carroll's Restaurant to come back.  We already have women's rights in Massachusetts, we already have Carroll's restaurant. Talk about a safe bet?

Where was Carl Sciortino in 2005 or 2006 when a resident met with him at Bestsellers to discuss discrimination in the city of Medford?  Nowhere to be found.  It's great to have a stack of cash and campaign on safe issues, but Mr. Sciortino was supposed to bring a breath of fresh air.  His record as a state rep (in my humble opinion) pretty much mirrors the political insider he originally defeated. How is that change other than a change of face, name and a few decades?

Time for Carl to do something for the community.  This writer isn't asking Mr. Sciortino to do anything others in the community haven't done. Some of us worked hard to help change the policies at the now-defunct TV3 or to help clean up the Medford Housing Authority mess.  Why are the residents doing more of the heavy lifting than the politicians?  It's quite simple: the politicians are NOT doing the job they advertise that they are doing.  They ride on the coattails of courageous residents who do the hard work out of a sense of obligation and civic duty.  We do the hard work because politicians like Carl know how to smile for the camera and not much else.
Which brings us to excellent campaigner but not so excellent councilor Paul A. Camuso.

We must go by a candidate's promises and scrutinize his record over the past two years.  Councilor Camuso was noted by the weekly paper of having the worst attendance record.  Also, Mr. Camuso has left council meetings while in session, ignoring the facts being presented to go chat with Chief Gilberti, Chief Sacco, CIty Solitior Rumley, myself, and many, many others.  When he's not leaving the council session to gab he is seen allegedly getting messages on how to conduct himself from an alleged family member. This is not forward thinking.  Please describe how that activity is "forward thinking."  Mr. Camuso promised to fill empty storefronts in 2011.  In 2011 I published a website with empty storefronts in Medford.  There are MORE today than in 2011 AND Mr. Camuso has not spoken about that issue in an effective and serious way in the two years since the 2011 election. We do see Mr. Camuso talking down to a respected senior citizen, Dr. Storella, in the same manner in which Mr. Camuso was condescending to the late Pat Fiorello.  You can dislike someone or their opinion, but for an elected official to tangle with fellow councilors the way Camuso does, or to argue and bully respected Medford elders is not what I want in a councilor. The senior citizens of Medford need to go back and see Camuso's behavior on camera.  He's an excellent campaigner, but not so excellent as being a legislator or someone the community can trust and depend on.  Try not to let the documented facts get in the way of how much you like the politician.
    On Tuesday, October 8th in Somerville District Court at 9 AM, a good friend of Michael J. McGlynn and Paul A. Camuso is facing a judge over an alleged "false bomb threat."  How Mr. Camuso and Mr. McGlynn can lie to the community straight faced about their years of defending that individual is quite simple: they believe being a politician means you don't need to tell the truth, just to put on a dog and pony show with no substance and hope 27,000 of the registered voters stay home again like they did in 2011
TV3 Medford

Paul Camuso and Mike McGlynn supported the embattled tv station for over a decade.  Why?  The citizens did not like the way they were treated, and comparisons to how great access is in surrounding communities fell on deaf ears when Mr. Camuso asked for constant "point of information" interruptions at the Tuesday night council meetings, or just outright antagonism.

Medford residents need to come out and vote four weeks from tomorrow.

  28 days from now!