Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Why are 501c3's participating in Carolyn Rosen's Coronation of Michael J. McGlynn?

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RE: 501c3 participation in Candidates Forum, 10/16/13

Dear Mr. Costas, Mr. Call and Chamber of Commerce:

Michael J. McGlynn, 26-year incumbent Mayor, appears to be shading the election in his favor by shutting down Access TV and having 501c3 non-profits allegedly involved in Candidates night.
Last election, 2011, McGlynn had a "crescendo" nominating him as if he were a king.  Voters resent that kind of dog and pony show and demand fairness in 2013.

City Clerk Ed Finn had sent out a notice to the Council about
501c3's participating in politics.  It is forbidden by the Internal
Revenue Code. 

Sec. Galvin's site has the Medford Chamber of Commerce listed as a 501c3  

The exact name of the Nonprofit Corporation:   MEDFORD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, INC.

Meanwhile, committee members Carolyn Rosen and
Henry Milorin have Frank Call of the Medford Chamber of Commerce asking questions instead of a legitimate, objective
journalist, which is the tradition of these Candidate Nights.
Having a journalist to ask the tough questions, not softballs
from friends of the 26-year incumbent Mayor of Medford.

In 2011 the Candidates Night had questions from the media:
"Candidates will be asked questions by guest panelists, who will include this year representatives from the Medford Transcript, the Medford Daily Mercury and the addition this year of the new online newspaper, The Medford Patch."

This year’s moderators for the event are Democratic City and Ward Committee members Michael Lungo, Henry Milorin and Carolyn Rosen.

Isn't Michael Lungo on the board of a 501c3 non-profit?   Why is he involved in politics which can affect the Medford Housing Authority?
What kind of judgment is this by Carolyn Rosen?

The City Council forum will be held on October 23rd beginning at 7:00 p.m. in Alden Chambers at City Hall. Guest panelists will include the Medford Transcript, a member of the Medford Chamber of Commerce Governmental Affairs committee and William Young, retired labor union organizer and Chairman of the Medford Housing Authority.

A Chairman of the Medford Housing Authority should NOT be involved in local politics during an election cycle, especially with the scandal the Medford Housing Authority is - quite possibly - still under investigation for.   This would BENEFIT a non-profit to have the ability to sway an election at such a PIVOTAL moment when there is NO ACCESS TV in the City because of the failure to lead by Michael J. McGlynn

The Mayoral and School Committee forum will be held on October 16th beginning at 7:00 p.m. in Alden Chambers at City Hall.  Candidates will be asked questions by guest panelists, including a representative from the Medford Transcript, Robin Baker, a Medford parent of a recent MHS graduate and Manager of Community Performances & Partnerships at the Celebrity Series of Boston and panelist Doreen Wade, owner of New England Informer newsmagazine.

I'm happy to see Ms. Wade on the panel, but the Medford Transcript receives huge sums of money from City Hall, which I have documented from a public records request. It is not the most objective of publications and the Mayor is considered the de-facto publisher by concerned citizens.

This complaint is in regards to 501c3's engaging in politics during a critical election.  The Medford Chamber of Commerce and the Medford Housing Authority's William Young and Michael Lungo all need to recuse themselves.

As for Carolyn Rosen and Dr. William Wood, their reprehensible conduct at the City Council meeting of 10-8-13 was an embarrassment to the community and tarnishes Candidates night in a very public and ugly way.

This city needs a fair candidates night and the Democratic Party should be ashamed of itself for this blatant and transparent cronyism.

The Citizens Demand Justice: in the interest of fairness.

All these non-profits participating in politics - Frank Call, William Young, Mike Lungo, need to recuse themselves immediately.

As a journalist
who was told he would be considered, only to have Carolyn Rosen pull a fast one and claim the Patch (which I do NOT work for) needed to authorize me (a Federal judge has ruled access television is legitimate journalism and Rosen KNOWS IT having appeared on my TV show twice; her husband congratulating me on Sunday, 10/6 for winning the access TV fight in Medford, much to the Mayor's chagrin), I object to this nonsense from Rosen, Wood and the Democratic City and Ward Committee.   We need objectivity, not cronyism, in Medford.


CC: Governor Deval Patrick
      Elections Division
For those of you interested in the Public Access TV Situation in Medford, Mass. read on:

"I'm here to make sure that this TV station is the best it can be for
ourselves and for our children," said
the Honorable Judge Marie O.Jackson-Thompson (retired)