Friday, February 12, 2016

City Council Agenda 2-16-16

614,411 @ 1:30 pm
614,399 @ 1:04 pm

Breanna Lungo Koehn strikes back

Medford City Council
The Seventh Regular Meeting
Medford, Massachusetts
February 16, 2016

City Council President, Frederick N. Dello Russo, Jr.
Vice President Breanna Lungo-Koehn
Richard F. Caraviello
John C. Falco, Jr.
Adam Knight
Michael J. Marks
George A. Scarpelli

Council President Frederick N. Dello Russo Jr., called the Seventh Regular Meeting of the Medford City Council to order at 7:00 P.M at the Howard F. Alden Memorial Auditorium, Medford City Hall.




The Records of the Meeting of February 9, 2016 were passed to Councillor Scarpelli


16-071- Offered by Councilor Caraviello :
Be it resolved that the Medford City Council request that the Salem Street Business parking lot have some lights installed

16-072-Offered by Councillor Marks
Be it Resolved that the City Solicitor be requested to draft a Home Rule Petition for submission to the General Court providing for the election of a seven person municipal Charter Commission to be placed on the ballot at the next general election that will occur on November 8, 2016, thus removing the necessity of first securing the signatures of 15% of the voters in the City who were eligible to vote in the last state election as is required by G.L. c 43B § 3 and that the municipal Charter Commission, once elected shall be charged with the duty of recommending revisions and amendments to the present City Charter and that their recommendations include, at a minimum, an amendment to the present City Charter instituting an appointed committee whose purpose will be to conduct a periodic review of the City Charter. Further, that the municipal Charter Commission, once elected, will be required to submit its final report of up to five recommendations for revisions or amendments to our present City Charter on or before June 30, 2017 and that the recommended revisions or amendments be placed on the ballot for the next municipal election which will take place in November 7, 2017. 

16-073-Offered by Vice President Lungo-Koehn
Be it resolved that the school department forward to the Medford City Council, a copy of the written notification policy that all principals should follow, which is to be drafted by March.

16-074-Offered by Vice President Lungo-Koehn
Be it resolved that the Medford School Committee and the Medford City Council be provided a detailed report as to exactly which security camera's at Medford High School are broken along with an update of when they will be fixed and or replaced.

16-075-Offered by Vice President Lungo-Koehn
Be it resolved that the Medford School committee and the Medford City Council be given a list of the names and occupations of the twelve people who did the sweep after the bomb threat call came in on February 1, 2016. Be it further resolved that we be provided with the training that those twelve people had to do such a sweep, especially the custodians who were asked and allowed to take part.

16-076- Offered by Councilor Caraviello :
Be it resolved that Medford City Council send condolences to the family of Robert Drennan. He is a former Medford City Councilor and also served as Deputy Mayor.  Mr. Drennan was a World War 2 Veteran and was awarded 2 battle stars. Mr. Drennan was honored by French General Consul with a Certificate of Appreciation for his WWII services and was among the American troops that liberated  and debriefed the prisoners at the Buchenwald Concentration Camp.
His presence in our community will be missed. We ask that tonight’s meeting be held in his honor.


'15-605           Hearing National Grid & Verizon Canal St

                        IN CITY COUNCIL               AUGUST 11, 2015               TABLED

'15-734-         Loan Order addition DPW Facility Project Funds $300,000

                        IN CITY COUNCIL               NOVEMBER 10, 2015        TABLED
                        IN CITY COUNCIL               NOVEMBER 17, 2015        TABLED
                        IN CITY COUNCIL               DECEMBER 1, 2015           REFERRED TO
                        IN COMMITTEE                    DECEMBER 8, 2015           REPORTED OUT

                        IN CITY COUNCIL               DECEMBER 8, 2015           TABLED
'15-736           Loan Order Winthrop Street Drainage Project $350,000

                        IN CITY COUNCIL               NOVEMBER 10, 2015        TABLED
                        IN CITY COUNCIL               NOVEMBER 17, 2015        TABLED
                        IN CITY COUNCIL               DECEMBER 1, 2015           1ST READING

                        ADVERTISED                      DECEMBER 11, 205           MEDFORD DAILY                                                                                                                          MERCURY
                        (eligible for third reading  December 22, 2015)

'15-788-         Representative from Tufts explain function of TEMS

                        IN CITY COUNCIL               DECEMBER 8, 2015           TABLED

'15-816-         Transfer $250,000 from sale of real estate for 5 kiosks improvements
                        IN CITY COUNCIL               DECEMBER 22, 2015        TABLED

'16-009-         No Confidence

                        IN  CITY COUNCIL              JANUARY 5, 2016               TABLED
                                                                                                                        Council Rule 29
'16-063           School Committee Policies            Future Bomb Treats

                                                                        FEBRUARY 9, 2016           TABLED


Reports Due/ Deadlines


The Records of the Meeting of February 9, 2016 were passed to Councillor Scarpelli.
