Friday, February 19, 2016

Madame Knight Ad Hack Meeting

621,733 @ 12:51 pm
621,710 @ 12:42 pm
23 hits in 9 minutes
OOOPS...Ad Hawk....err....AD HOC, so sorry!


ad hack
a meaningless meeting with an inarticulate cretin who puts on a dog and pony show for residents to attempt to justify grabbing 30k a year out of your back pocket for doing nothing.

ad hawk
Usually found at Park Marenteau Playground feeding beer to minors - interesting that the ad hawk was only caught outside of the Medford borders as that dangerous species had protection from city hall.

ad hoc
ˌad ˈhäk/
adjective & adverb
adjective: ad hoc; adverb: ad hoc; adjective: adhoc
  1. formed, arranged, or done for a particular purpose only.

    "an ad hoc committee"