Monday, February 1, 2016

Public Servants who Violate their Oath of Office

When the Council President VIOLATES your First Amendment Rights intentionally, is he committing a Federal Crime?

Violating Oath of Office is a Federal Crime

 posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 08:15 AM
The recent years since 9/11 have proven our elected representatives have little to no interest in presenting or passing legislation that passes constitutional muster. A myriad of laws such as Patriot Act, GM takeover, NDAA, Bankster bailouts, Operating government without formal budget, mandated Healthcare and coming legislative assaults on second amendment all point to an out of control nearly, if not actually, tyranical government our founders never intended but clearly warned us about.

In other threads I have touched on the subject of the oath of office and find its treated as just words to be said but no one holds those taking the oath responsible so I thought it a good topic for discussion especially since violating the oath is codified as a violation of federal law and executive order.

The oath taken by both houses of Congress reads,