Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Scarpelli, Knight get boooed; Belson Takes a Few Political Hits

9:21 pm  "What?  Me Worry??" Madame Knight makes jackass out of himself while Scarpelli yaps about being on the council to be the voice of reason, gets into a screaming match with another councilor, with the audience considering George Scarpelli a total embarrassment.

9:41 pm look at the rage in Adam Knight at the City Council attempting to dislodge Charter Change / Charter Review, fighting with misguided positions, rhetoric unbecoming of a public servant, and getting slapped down with jeers and residents aghast at his vulgarity and stupidity. What a classless individual. Without Local 25 Knight would not be disrupting this city. Think about it. The union(s) installed that clown to be an obstructionist

 Complete moron, Adam Knight = Obstructionist