Monday, February 22, 2016

The Pipeline to the Mayor "resigned" ???

625,749 @ 1:55 pm
625.721 @ 1:38 pm
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CITY HALL, the 1996 movie, with some elements based on scandals in New York City

So a Sgt punches a woman in the face, and his late brother is the best friend of the City Solicitor, and he gets off with probation for failing to do his job as an officer of the law, for committing a hideous act of domestic violence, for violence against women, for alleged cheating on his wife and family.

Oh that's not the movie City Hall, that's Medford City Hall and the Medford Police Station.

City Hall  1996

By the way, City Hall is so in rage over my investigative reporting, they are retaliating, possibly with multiple - and I believe quite wrongful - acts of litigation in a hope to stifle and squelch my voice, so that you know "nothing, nothing."

If my blog is so "delusional," why is Mark Rumley investing so much personal time into attacking me when our city needs his undivided attention?

The answer is quite simple: our city is not his priority.  Silencing me is. 

City Hall  1996