Friday, February 19, 2016

Where's Solicitor's Report on TV 3 all these months later?

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Where is the City Solicitor's Report on TV3?

 July 23, 2014
City Solicitor Mark Rumley said the city took possession of equipment from TV3’s former office at 32 Riverside Ave. in January. But Rumley said the city has not received any money from MCC, nor does it know how much money, if any, the organization still has.
According to the review, MCC’s $153,532 in remaining assets as of April 30 were transferred. Jacobson said the figure represents the value of the station’s equipment that was turned over to the city, and the figure does not include any cash.
According to the 990-EZ tax form Pilleri filed with the Internal Revenue Service, MCC had $133,342 in cash, savings and investments on May 1, 2013.

 Mark Rumley is very angry with this publication.

He will say this, that or the other thing, but our contention is that Mr. Rumley is derelict in his duties.

Why didn't the City Solicitor protect this writer when he sat on a board of directors and they went after me on a number of issues?

Why does TV3 get a free pass?  when money is missing.

City Hall Medford is tired of the public records requests looking into PUBLIC matters that those who have seized the levers of power want to remain PRIVATE.

Where's the TV3 information, Solicitor Rumley?

Why do you choose to go after an individual to drain his bank account and drive up legal fees when that individual is working for the citizens?

You should be awarding me the medal of honor.

But only an honest man who cares about his city and our lack of a tv station would fight alongside me.

Beat me up, persecute me, harass me, belittle me.

I am working hard for the citizens of Medford.

A letter referring to a "water pistol" gets taken out of context.

Why is it that the Solicitor has hurt so many people who wanted access?  

Why did the former mayor and "his," not your, alleged city attorney not help an autistic man with his wish to do television; television he pays for on his low income and high cable bill?

Why wasn't the Solicitor defending my friend Pat Fiorello when phony charges were brought against him by Arthur Deluca, the accomplice of a woman recently told to stay away from this editor?

The police absolutely refused to protect me, even though Doug Nagengast of the District Attorney's office promised me the police would help me if I were in danger.  

The Police didn't 

A judge did.

Think about it.

The Medford Police would have you mediate with your attacker if they want to hang you out to die.

To protect and serve their own interests.

#16-807 Medford City Council this Tuesday to discuss people parking on sidewalk

Here's a police car from January on Salem Street parked in a DO NOT PARK zone with its wheels on the sidewalk.  This photo was snapped while Councilor Falco was discussing this very act at the city council   Either a wild coincidence or a commonplace event.  Bet on the latter.

7:33 pm 1/26/16

This Tuesday City Council addresses this very behavior.  But if the police do bad things and expect to issue tickets to you, there is a double standard

#4   1/26/16  7:33 pm  Police congregate at Eddy's Place on Salem Street.
This vehicle is parked at a DO NOT PARK sign, I have lots more photos if you need them.

Police on sidewalk in a DO NOT PARK area while council meeting was going on about, you got it, parking on the sidwalk. As the council is taking it up, Chief Sacco's force is breaking the law that they do so often, being Jimmy Lee getting a slap on the wrist for punching a woman in the mouth, Shawn Nortin, Miguel Lopez, Steven Lebert, Richard Lebert, my God, between Roy Belson and Chief Sacco it is 
Medford Reprobate Central at the High School and the Police Station and that is NOT A  JOKE, it is disgusting.

For being the good guy, city hall is piling it on.

That means that City Hall is rife with the bad guys.

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