Friday, October 4, 2013

Giving Credit Where It Is Due, Part 2

Dear Neighbors, Joe, you are absolutely right and I apologize if I did not credit you properly for leading the charge. I have told all my politicians that without you MCC would be still up and running. Councilor Penta, Director Burke, Solicitor Rumley, the Police Department (who all have had to spend countless months of time and our money on legal matters related to this cabal of thugs) knows that if it wasn't for you this issue would still be unresolved. The city owes you a debt of gratitude for taking the station out of the hands or a band of criminals and giving it back to the people. Yes, you organized the opposition and you deserve the honor that goes with it. You did get Councilor Penta to bring it up again and for that we all owe you our gratitude. Councilor Penta deserves credit for putting it back on the councils agenda though. He could have chosen to just let them keep on maligning him as he had been doing for years. He chose to fight and good for him for doing so. Councilor Penta has been hit by TV3 with impunity. The old board (thanks to you we can say that now) harassed him constantly and unfairly and with the Mayor's knowledge. This fight is not over yet, the New Board has not been selected and the Mayor needs to continue to have his feet held to the fire or the vacuum could be filled with the wrong people again. If that happens we have to band together again. Joe, you have led the charge and if I have discounted that in my comments I apologize. Your vote is not as important to me as doing the right thing. It is true that you were the key to unlocking the door with your insider knowledge community television and the city owes you a huge collective Thank You. Mr. Penta knows it too. He would be the first one to acknowledge it. So would the Mayor. He also knows that without you he would not have had to be held accountable to dissolve this gang of thugs running the station which has benefited him by keeping the public voice silent. So Joe, may we as a city thank you for your service to the public. You took these criminals to task and for that the Mayor should give the Key to the City. And I do hope the Mayor grows from this. Respectfully, Jeanne Martin
Without Councilor Penta's honest efforts and hard work, we would not have accomplished this. It takes a team.
Thanks, Jeanne. My personal safety was at risk, my loved ones were harassed and besmirched, thousands of hours were absorbed fighting for community rights, and it cost me thousands and thousands of dollars from my life savings to defend myself from individuals who were interested in their own personal gain when their obligation was to the citizens of Medford. I care about this community. Chris Donovan I believe noted that I would probably get lost in the shuffle and that just wouldn't be fair. Thanks go out to Johnny Byers, Councilor Lungo-Koehn, Jimmy Morse, Doreen Wade, Anthony D'Antonio, Vincent Mase and his wife for standing up and speaking out. There are others, but this group, including you, Jeanne, were essential to getting to where we are today. Now the Mayor has to choose a 3 person panel. This needs to be a panel of citizens not connected to City Hall.