616,495 @ 10:29
616,434 @ 8:56 pm
616,420 @ 8:19 pm
27,000 last 30 days
132 7 pm - 10:29 pm
209 minutes, 132 hits
Tonight at 8 PM Stephanie Muccini-Burke had her "inauguration" on TV on Sunday, February 14, 2016. This poorly recorded, dark video, with very poor audio (most likely by Jack Dempsey, it is his trademark,) had a horrible, awful band playing "God Bless America," and he insufferable Robert A. Maiocco. Meanwhile YOU have no PUBLIC ACCESS TV while Muccini-Burke utilizes it to push her agenda, glorifying herself in this fraudulent election, and Medford is falling apart. Help us as we demand transparency and our own access station not censored by the frauds who have hijacked our city.
62 page views, 89 minutes